Tagged as Healthy Diet

Sugar consumption has risen to an all time high. The average American eats somewhere around 20 teaspoons of sugar every day (estimates vary, depending on which study is consulted); this translates to about -66 pounds of added sugar per year. However, some people are consuming much more than that, maybe even twice as much. Some Starbucks' drinks may have as much as 25 teaspoons of sugar in one drink,...
April 8, 2022
It’s My Party- Everyone hates when you cut onions and your eyes begin to tear, but did you know that the sulfur compounds that make your eyes water have a health benefit? These 6 foods are rich in cancer-fighting organosulfur compounds, which are produced when the cell walls of these vegetables are broken down by chopping, crushing, or chewing. Onions - Garlic - Leeks - Chives - Shallots - Scallions...
April 5, 2022
Your partner can be a great source of support and motivation in your weight loss journey. In fact, -studies- have shown that positive spousal support increases the likelihood that you will stick to your diet. Negative support or nagging, on the other hand, can have an adverse effect. Of course, we all want to keep things on the positive side, but that can be difficult if you’re the only one in the...
January 22, 2022
A balanced, nutritious diet is vital for good health. Not only does a nutrient-rich, -varied diet- provide our bodies with the ingredients we need to be strong, healthy and active, but it also helps ward off disease. When combined with physical activity, a good diet can help us maintain a healthy weight, get healthy if we aren't already and stay energized. One of the best ways to get all the nutrients...
January 11, 2022
Fiber is not sexy. It will not become the hot conversation at your next dinner party. Almost guaranteed: Bring up fiber’s many benefits at your next coffee date and your friend will quickly change the subject. But for fast, lasting fat loss and lots more, dietary fiber reigns supreme. Too bad we’re not getting nearly enough. One study titled "-Trends in dietary fiber intake in the United States, 1999-2008-,"...
January 9, 2022
Coffee culture surrounds us and dominates the rituals of people around the world, one pumpkin spice latté at a time. Whether it’s from your coffee pot at home, your favorite corner coffee shop, or straight from a French press at work, caffeine is used by many trying to remain productive throughout their day. However many people take it a bit too far and become full on caffeine junkies. These are the...
December 11, 2021
Have you been drinking a frothy glass of cow's milk each morning since long before you can even quite remember? You're not alone of course, and you've probably enjoyed every glass your mom placed before you as a child, especially when it was accompanied by cookies or some other treat. Milk can seem quite appealing as you douse your cereal in the innocent enough looking liquid. However, beneath that...
November 26, 2021
There’s been a lot of discussion on the war on drugs over my lifetime. In 1971, President Nixon actually declared the “war on drugs.” In the 1980s President Reagan took it up a notch, with an unprecedented expansion of resources to “save America.” Considered a public health crisis of epidemic proportions, in 1992 President Clinton pushed for treatment funding. You’d think drugs are the leading cause...
November 20, 2021
Although neither government health agencies nor food manufacturers will tell you, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a very unhealthy food additive.  In spite of such, it is obsessively used in most processed, frozen and fast foods. In fact, you will be hard-pressed to not find it in most foods consumed by people both in developed and developing countries. Why Is MSG Used So Extensively? - Simply put, MSG...
November 20, 2021
Millions of people have trouble getting their day started without that first cup of coffee. There’s nothing like the smell of coffee to awaken the senses first thing in the morning. As it turns out, coffee might do more for you than just get you up and moving. In fact, according to recent studies, it’s possible that -the health benefits may actually prolong your life. Studies in Favor of Coffee - The...
November 18, 2021