Tagged as Healthy Diet

A high-fat diet causes cellular changes in the brain that could increase hunger, according to a -new study. It is believed that the changes may raise the threshold of satiation, causing us to eat more and therefore to gain weight. What’s more, the changes happen very quickly. This means that we may have to eat more to feel full just a scant few days after indulging in a high-fat diet. Seriously. A...
January 22, 2020
Nutrition experts and the medical community alike have long advised against eating red meat, saying that regular consumption leads to a higher risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and premature death. However, -five separate reviews- of the studies used to establish the red-meat warnings have shown that the evidence against red meat may not be as strong as previously thought. So what's the deal?...
January 20, 2020
Depression can loom over every aspect of a person’s life, causing -severe disability- in many cases and sometimes even leading to suicide. Time- reports that the world will likely be spending $17 billion on antidepressants by 2020. But what if the best medicine for depression doesn’t come in a pill? What if gut health and diet plays an even bigger role than we've thought? - Let's be clear right off...
January 20, 2020
Approximately 7.3 million Americans are vegetarians, with an additional 22.8 million identifying as vegetarian-inclined, according to the latest survey provided by - Vegetarian Times. And while being vegetarian poses many health and environmental benefits, it also poses some -risks. Not only do vegetarians have lower body weights and cholesterol levels, but they also have a lower risk of developing...
January 14, 2020
Frosting-coated cookies, butter-drenched veggies, gravy on everything, and carb-filled casseroles derail the dietary habits of many healthy adults during the holiday season. Some people choose these foods because they like how they taste, while others eat them because they evoke memories of fun family festivities and the sense of tradition and good family times is comforting and defines the holidays....
November 20, 2019
How many colors do you eat each day? A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables is essential to a long, healthy life. But it's complicated to keep track of how often we eat broccoli. One way to eat better is to try to eat the rainbow every day. (And we don't mean Skittles!) The broader the array of colors we eat, the more varied the nutrients. Need some help adding more color...
October 10, 2019
Parsley — it's the pretty green garnish that most people promptly remove from their plate or carefully eat around whenever they go out for a nice meal. But parsley is much more than a culinary decoration. It's a nutritional powerhouse that can deliver amazing -health benefits- when used in cooking instead of as a garnish. When incorporated into recipes, parsley is believed to deliver many health benefits....
September 3, 2019
Popular high-protein diets, such as -Atkins and Paleo-, urge followers to eat more -protein- while cutting back on carbohydrates, sugars and fats. Although many have found success on such diets, there are health risks associated with eating too much protein. Those regularly consuming more than the recommended amount may experience side effects. Protein is one of the building blocks of life. It helps...
July 3, 2019
Heart disease is the - leading cause of death - in the United States, affecting - about 11.5% - of the adult population. Despite its prevalence, it’s one of the more preventable chronic illnesses, with diet and lifestyle being key factors. What we eat is just as important as the number of calories we consume each day, and a diet that’s more plant-based could cut our heart failure risk by - over 40%....
May 31, 2019
Here is a true confession that I don't include in my bio on my website.  In the not so long ago past I had been carrying an extra 20 pounds on my not so large 5'4" frame.  How much I weighed doesn't matter. It was too much for me, my height, my age and my body type ( I was not a body builder so I hardly had that excuse). So how did it come to be that someone who has extensive training in nutrition...
October 23, 2018