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by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. Losing weight and getting healthy doesn’t have to be complex. Purge your pantry of processed food, don’t use oils and stay away from sugary snacks and drinks. My rules to better health are uncomplicated and easy to follow. No need to measure food or count calories or points. Many people who follow my advice are pleasantly surprised at how uncomplicated my ‘diet’ can be. Here are my simple rules to... 9/20/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Laura Bonarrigo Comparison is at the root of our pain. When we begin comparing our lives to our ex's lives, we begin to forge unhealthy thoughts and opinions about ourselves. We begin to feel less-than, especially women in divorce. There are all sorts of reasons to justify this behavior. But, none of them will help you move on with your life. Stop comparing and start growing... here are a few secrets to moving on... 5/31/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Bob Grant With the divorce rate around 45% it's no surprise that many couples want to do everything they can to strengthen their marriage. The problem is that many couples believe certain myths about their marriages and spend time trying to correct the wrong things. Our time is very valuable, imagine wasting it trying to fix things that don't need fixing?Below are 5 of the most popular myths concerning marriage... 11/19/2022 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor We have all heard advice like this: “Go on a diet, exercise 3 times a week, don’t stress too much,” etc. But for some people those things are a lot easier said than done. Some people prefer to incorporate something easy into their daily routine because they know they can actually accomplish “easy.” They want to still be able to see and feel results, but they want to achieve that without having to make... 5/13/2022 4:00:00 AM
by Fred Fletcher Get to Know the Tylenol Toxicity Warning Signs.Breathing Difficulty, Swelling or Rash, Grey Color Stool, or Yellowing Skin are ALL signs of Tylenol/Acetaminophen toxicity and potential liver failure. Even non-drinkers are at risk. By now you have probably heard that Tylenol (or, more specifically, acetaminophen) can damage the liver. In most cases, damage to the liver is thought to occur because of... 3/9/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Kyle Richey Do you sometimes feel that your appetite is a bit out of control? That you can’t keep yourself from eating those comfort foods? Giving in to your cravings once every now and then is fine, but you need to realize that overdoing it coupled with a lack of exercise can lead to weight gain. If you think your appetite has spun out of control and that you can’t keep yourself from comfort foods, read on for... 12/21/2023 5:00:00 AM
by Fred Fletcher IntroductionAt one point or another, you will probably need to go or be taken to the Emergency Room (ER). While experts would agree that in most cases you should preferably be seen by your primary care doctor instead of using the ER, you may not have a choice in the matter, especially if you, say, are involved in a serious-injury-inducing car accident.In fact, it may come down to whether you are a... 10/26/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor In countries like Japan, China, Laos, Korea, Thaliand and Taiwan, removing shoes before entering the home is an absolute cultural must. In certain countries this custom extends to churches, temples, restaurants and schools as well. To leave the shoes on is to be rude and disrespectful to the homeowner and the home itself – something perceptually just as bad as putting your shoes up on the couch or... 9/29/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Leon Rios Despite advances in medicine, mental health care is still unable to keep up with the mental health needs of society.For the most part, research has always focused more on physical ailments than mental ones. Infant mortality, chronic illnesses, and infectious disease have seen vast improvement as far as life expectancy is concerned, but the question that everyone keeps dancing around is “what progress... 3/25/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? If you are like most people, probably groggy and ready to climb right back into bed. Don’t hit the snooze button just yet. There are a few simple tricks to feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your day.Taking Advantage of the Power HourGo to bed an hour earlier and give yourself an hour each day to wake up before you leave the house. That may sound... 2/25/2023 5:00:00 AM
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