Tagged as relationships

After being married 25 years, I’m suffering a bit from PTSD. Not necessarily from the divorce but rather from being thrown back into the dating pool! Maybe you are like me too, where finding that ideal partner has seemed like a bad joke on most days. For many, dating is a game. A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set...
April 17, 2018
There is a strong connection between friendship and health. Recall the happiest times of your life, and those memories likely include friends celebrating with you. Just as important, true friends support you through the bad times that happen in every life, from everyday disappointments to the heartbreak of loss. That's what good friends do. Friendship enriches our existence and makes life's journey...
March 14, 2018
Stupid choices? Sure we all make them. Hopefully, as we get older and wiser we figure out that we can do better. If you’re ready to start making BETTER choices, let’s take a look at the top 8 things to quit starting today. 1. Quit making excuses.- Excuses totally take you away from what you need to face in order to be better. Make more. Be healthier. Create sustainable relationships. Excuses are detours...
March 2, 2018
As sensual beings, humans are affected by all of their senses. One of the most primal reactions we have, the sense of smell, comes from our body's olfactory system. Smells stimulate nerve endings in the olfactory bulb, which send information to the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system is associated with memories, emotions and our sex drive. Essential oils are one of the most effective ways...
February 10, 2018
In my -last post-, I addressed people whose spouses have cheated on them and tried to offer some guidelines for surviving the crisis. In this post I'd like to speak to those on the other side of the equation, namely, the cheaters. In particular I will be speaking to folks who have already been caught and who would like to save the marriage – if you are planning to leave the marriage anyway, that is...
February 5, 2018
Every year, we see more and more couples choosing not to marry. Many choose to cohabitate. Many do not want even that level of commitment. The Atlantic reported that these couples are not afraid of marriage per se, but instead are afraid they will be unable to stay married. In other words, what they fear is divorce; which is understandable considering the emotional and financial ramifications of dissolving...
January 16, 2018
Dating is often intimidating and challenging for smart, successful people. It often comes with rejection, meeting the wrong people over and over again, not having fun, or even giving up on ever finding the love of your life. You can dare to be different by being aware of these common dating pitfalls so that you can either avoid them altogether, or if you identify that you are stuck in a pitfall, you...
January 16, 2018
We all have one - an angry ex who can’t seem to leave the past alone. No matter how long it’s been since the two of you were together, he still seems to hold a grudge and can’t get past the things you did wrong in the relationship. If you still have to deal with an ex because the two of you share children, it can be difficult to deal with on a regular basis. With these 5 tips for coping with an angry...
June 22, 2017
Before the perfect mate will miraculously show up right before your eyes, there’s a little bit of soul searching that needs to be done. Without being aware of who you are, how will you know what the perfect mate for you will consist of? - I’ve had my fair share of dating. The moments I confused lust for love or changed my life to be in his.  Through each relationship I learned more about myself, till...
April 15, 2016
How often is it that we see people in our extended families and our community that believe that their family gets along just fine and doesn't have any problems, only to find that screaming, yelling, name calling, and physical aggressiveness is almost the norm? There almost seems to be a denial that there is a deeper issue, and because of this, the conflict continues and people believe that destructive...
March 31, 2016