Tagged as Healthy Living

Life can be stressful—that’s just, well, life. The key to living a healthy, stress-free life is to learn how to manage stress and find ways to let it go. In 2015, Popular Science magazine noted that - 33% of U.S. adults - reported stress had an impact on their mental health. While acute stress isn’t harmful, chronic stress can lead to serious mental (and physical) health issues, which can cause anxiety...
March 31, 2016
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, but it’s not the only thing in February directly related to the heart. February is also National Heart Month. Many people don’t realize the severity of heart health in America, and that is a tragic error. Roughly - 610,000 Americans die each year - from heart disease. That number is equal to one in four deaths. Heart disease is hands down the leading killer...
February 8, 2016
Today it is common to have a job that involves sitting at a desk for eight hours a day. And usually we would feel good if we hit the gym a few times a week, or managed to squeeze in a hike on a weekend. However, one major lesson that has come out of research on sedentary behavior is that exercising before or after work—although great to do – does not undo the harm done by sitting all day. Long periods...
February 4, 2016
Oh no! That's the feeling of dread we all get when we first see those unmistakable signs of a cold - runny nose, a scratchy sore throat and a hoarse cough. We all hope each year to be able to avoid catching colds. With more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold, you want to think about preventive measures ahead of time and know the action steps to take at the first signs and symptoms of a...
February 1, 2016
Roughly six years ago I started writing a book on the most promising treatments for cancer.  The project was born out of a deep personal desire to give people who had been diagnosed with cancer (or had a relative or friend in such situation or who were simply afraid of getting the disease) palpable hope that was based on hard, sink-your-teeth-into science. That is not to say that I don't believe in...
January 30, 2016
Since the beginning of human history, people have lived and worked outdoors during the light of day, absorbing light energy from the sky. An average of 10 hours outdoors each day, 70 hours weekly, was common. Following the advent of Edison’s long-lasting light bulb, over the last 100 years, people have moved indoors, away from the natural light that so faithfully regulated our circadian rhythms and...
January 26, 2016
Everything we do stems from our belief systems. Your self-image is responsible for all that you do. Take a step back and think about how you feel about yourself and then take note of how you live. Can you see how your deepest thoughts and feelings are reflective in your life experiences? - If you see yourself as “fat” then your body will manifest that which you believe, resulting in wanting to eat...
January 5, 2016
So, here we go again. What does- your- list consist of this year?  If being interviewed by Barbara Walters, we may all weep openly and say we want nothing more than achieving a radiant state of pure zen enlightenment and world peace.  Secretly, however, vowing to attend spin class three times a week and losing those pesky 15 pounds probably ranks a little higher on the list. So why are these same goals,...
December 27, 2015
The hustle and bustle of the holidays is upon us and the parties, family gatherings and the like are keeping us pretty busy. We feel the coolness in the air, and the beauty of nature this time of year. It seems like a rebirth of sorts, as the earth prepares for the slumber of winter and the birth of spring. We even notice that people seem friendlier, and we somehow forget the frustration we have with...
December 12, 2015
The busy holiday season is about to hit, and that means heading home to see family and friends, ugly Christmas sweaters, and endless supplies of not-so-healthy foods will be shoved in front of us. And whether you pulled out your winter clothes only to realize that last year's cords are a just -little- tight, or you want to preemptively avoid that inevitable winter weight gain, you might have some extra...
November 20, 2015