​Morning Brain Fog--Is it Catching?

Don't get bogged down with taking on too much at one time. Start with getting more and better sleep tonight. Yup the old hit the sheets, 40 winks, slumber time. Easy to say… not so easy to do? Not true. You can do it! And here's why you'll want to:

That fog you feel when you get up in the morning after too little sleep is not just a Monday problem. It is catching… it can carry over to Tuesday, Wednesday, the entire week! It's your life--in a fog. Yikes! Lack of sleep is catching? Do you have it?

Yep. You have it. Now what? Easy stuff first...

  1. Get to bed early enough to have 8 hours of sleep time allotted.
  2. Lower the lights as you ready for bed and make sure your room is entirely dark when you turn off the lights or use a sleep mask like this one: Bedtime Bliss® Contoured & Comfortable Sleep Mask
  3. Turn off electronics or use inexpensive blue light blocking glasses like these available from Amazon: Uvex Eyewear
  4. Breathe deeply at least three times every 2 minutes until you feel yourself relax.
  5. Stretch out your arms and legs several times until they feel heavy.
  6. Enjoy soothing music or easy to take conversation before bed.
  7. Immerse yourself in total silence (inexpensive ear plugs will block out background noise, including snoring). Here's my favorite ones available from Amazon: Orthomed Earplugs in a Jar 40 pair
  8. When you awake in the morning, drink a big glass of filtered water before you eat or drink anything else.
  9. If you're serious about getting your brain in gear, switch out normal coffee (very acidic) with cold-pressed coffee which tastes better, is less acidic and promotes great mental clarity in comparison. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_brew. Here's my favorite one available from Amazon: Toddy T2N Cold Brew System
  10. And if you're really interested in exploring your super human capability, start your morning with cold-pressed or fresh squeezed vegetable juice (not sugary fruit juice). You'll notice super brain clarity and smooth energy all morning!

This is a start. Lack of sleep can and will impact your effectiveness day after day by causing your brain to be in a fog. You are most likely a wonderful person who may just be too weary to be your most wonderful self. You may have developed many poor health habits along the way and you've just been too tired to take them on and fix them.

So if you're tired of brain fog, start with this list. These recommendations work. Start tonight!

Health is a habit. Good health as well as poor health. They're both 'catching.' The more healthy things you do, the better… they lead to “wellness" which is the expression of your most optimal self.

2/21/2015 10:00:00 PM
Janet Valenty
Written by Janet Valenty
Former medical technologist with extensive drug testing and clinical chemistry experience. Traded the white coat for a business suit as Director of Marketing of a leading clinical lab with two billion in revenues and left that way back in the 90's. These days, doing more reading and publishing when not chasing grandchild...
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Love the ear plugs, can't sleep through the night without them.
Posted by JP
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