Posts by Heather Carey, MS

I cook a lot, and I love to cook, but there is nothing worse then spending endless hours in the kitchen when you don't need to. I like to have my kitchen streamlined so I can easily access my utensils and appliances I really use and need. I also appreciate a good plan of action. Here are my top ten kitchen time savers that will save your sanity and give you peace of mind in your kitchen.Tip #1 Keep...
6/15/2022 4:00:00 AM
Here is a true confession that I don't include in my bio on my website. In the not so long ago past I had been carrying an extra 20 pounds on my not so large 5'4" frame. How much I weighed doesn't matter. It was too much for me, my height, my age and my body type ( I was not a body builder so I hardly had that excuse).So how did it come to be that someone who has extensive training in nutrition and...
10/23/2018 7:00:00 AM
Yes, yes, you love mashed potatoes. And you wouldn't substitute anything for them in this world. I love mashed potatoes too, but after years of drowning those poor tubers in too much butter and milk, I went looking for something else that could be a suitable substitute for that creamy dish that is so reminiscent of fall.What is it about colder weather that makes me want to hunker down and immediately...
9/23/2014 5:25:44 PM
If you surf around the internet, or read the latest Oprah magazine, it becomes pretty clear that there is no consensus on what to eat. The other day I saw an article about a new study on low carb diets versus low fat diets (and the winner is..!), another article defending carbohydrates, the Paleo people, raw foodies, veganistas, on and on and on.How are we supposed to know what to eat anymore? I love...
9/5/2014 11:22:33 AM
As is the case with most food products that get the green light for health, there seems to be an overwhelming variety of olive oils these days. A trip to Whole Foods the other day revealed about a dozen different kinds of extra virgin olive oil.Extra virgin olive oil is a star player in my pantry, and for good reason. Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats - the type of fat that helps reduce our...
6/16/2014 6:41:14 PM
I was so excited to read a New York Times article this week ("Losing Weight Might Require Some Serious Fun"), that showed the importance of making exercise fun. The article talks about a study done with two groups of women. In the first group the women were instructed to walk to a certain destination, in which they would then be treated to lunch. The walk was for exercise sake - to burn calories,...
6/10/2014 7:00:00 AM
I don't get to write about starting a garden very often because the window for planting is very short in the Northeast. Right now, as May rolls steadily in, if you haven't already planted lettuces, peas and greens, you might feel as if you are watching the ship sail away. Alas, there is still time for round two - the big guns - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and such, which should be planted after all...
5/9/2014 7:00:00 AM
It is finally spring and you are charged up. This is the year you are going to lose the twenty pounds that have been slowly creeping up. Good for you for making the commitment.So why does it often feel like failure before we can even get out of the gate? I imagine you know this game well. It's called self-sabotage and you very well have been on this hamster wheel for a long time.Let's look at a few...
4/14/2014 2:26:13 PM
These days, spinach doesn't come in one overgrown bunch, it comes in a clamshell. You know, those large, clear plastic containers stuffed with perfectly picked baby leaves. I am sure you have bought one, with ambitions to use all that green, only to have it slowly wilt away in your refrigerator. You meant well, you really did. Before you give up on spinach, one of the best foods around, let me give...
4/3/2014 3:01:48 PM
Technology can be a blessing and a curse. I can get a bit caught up in this whole app thing, and have downloaded many losers that actually waste my time and junk up my phone. After doing a major app cleanse the other day, these are some of my favorite apps that will always have a place on my phone.Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen. I think I speak for most people when I say that if I had my way I would...
4/2/2014 7:39:38 PM