Tagged as Alzheimer's

If you love someone with advancing memory loss, you know first hand the frustrations and the heartache the condition can cause. Memory loss robs people of their pasts and of the essential characteristics that have, over a lifetime, made them unique individuals, loving spouses and parents, good neighbors, tireless workers and enthusiastic participants in life. At -Regency Nursing Centers in NJ,- this...
April 1, 2023
Dementia is a general term for an overall decline in cognitive function that includes Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies. As the disease progresses it causes memory, language, and reasoning skills to deteriorate. Although typically associated with adults over the age of 65, approximately 5% of patients develop an early-onset form of dementia...
March 15, 2022
Bacteria can influence our bodies in ways even experts still struggle to understand. Invaders can ravage a system, some attacking with such speed and fury that they can overwhelm and kill their hosts despite all efforts to stop them. In some cases, the damage and waste products bacteria leave behind could be equally as devastating. They might even contribute to many different autoimmune and neurodegenerative...
November 27, 2021
It might seem like a bizarre connection, but a common mouth germ could be responsible for more than just bad breath. It may be one more puzzle piece in understanding why and how Alzheimer’s disease forms. The bacteria that causes bad breath and gingivitis, the same mouth germ that can cause endocarditis if it travels to the heart, may now be implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have shown the...
March 26, 2020
Alzheimer’s disease affects people and their families on profound levels, destroying minds and shattering lives. While treatments have emerged to slow its progression, none have been able to prevent or halt it completely. That may soon change. Exciting new research - may be the breakthrough - we’ve been waiting for. Scientists were able to fix a gene that has been shown to be responsible for Alzheimer’s...
December 10, 2019
Our recent news cycle has teemed with reports from the -Alzheimer’s Association International Conference- (AAIC18), an annual gathering of scientists and researchers from around the globe sharing their latest findings. I follow this news closely because of selfish worry I may develop dementia following the loss of both parents to this devastating brain disease. My middle-aged siblings and I are -children...
September 4, 2019
Whether we want to or not, we all experience stress in varying degrees. While stressful situations are a completely regular occurrence, there’s recent evidence that has shown links between chronic stress and mental health illnesses. The side effects of chronic stress commonly include depression and anxiety, as well as many other symptoms of mental health conditions. Newfound Claims Regarding Chronic...
April 9, 2016