What you should know about Flaxseed Oil

Selecting high-quality flaxseed oil.

To truly realize the potential flaxseed oil has on human health, you must choose a product that has been manufactured and handled under very stringent conditions in order to protect the oil from degradation.
Obtaining high-quality flaxseed oil is a major challenge for consumers. The below are some shopping tips when buying flaxseed oil :

• Its taste varies greatly from brand to brand. Fresh flaxseed oil has a characteristic nutty flavor and if it goes rancid, you can tell at once by the smell. So as soon as you open a new bottle, give it a sniff to make sure the oil is fresh.

• It spoils more readily than all other oils due to its high omega-3 content. Therefore it must always be stored in the refrigerator.

• Look for oil with lignans. Lignans are a class of highly researched plant chemicals that have been found to have anticancer, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Their greatest attribute is in the possible prevention of breast and colon cancers. The highest concentration of lignans is found in the hull of flaxseeds. Generally, flaxseed oil does not contain lignans because the fragmented hull settles out of the oil during processing. The exception to the rule is a "High in Lignan" flaxseed oil product marketed by Heavenly Health Inc. , where the fine flaxseed hull particulate has been retained in the oil.

• Look for oil that is made from organically grown flaxseed to ensure that it is not tainted with pesticides.

• It has a natural shelf life unless they have been artificially pressed to increase their longevity.

Heavenly Health Inc.

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11/9/2008 9:04:19 PM
Written by heavenlyhealth
We are a company who producs one of the best Organic Flaxseed oil known to man. Our Flaxseed oil is high in Omega 3 and Lignans.
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