Connect The Disconnect

Have you ever looked to the sky and asked yourself…why is this happening to me or why am I not more successful? It’s safe to say most people have. Well, today is the day you’re going to get your answer; except the answer is not going to come from above…it’s going to come from within.

I’m sure many of us have also said things like: I’m a good person, I’m a hard worker, I’m nice to people, I’m committed and dedicated to my goals and dreams and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to achieve them. Wow, it’s pretty simple to say those things, isn’t it? Yup, anybody can do that part but, obviously, there has to be a lot more to this thing called success because if saying all the right things was enough, wouldn’t there be a lot more successful people?

So you must be wondering by now, what is the answer. Okay, the answer is connecting your disconnect…in other words, connecting your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. You see what happens to most people is that they say all the right things but they don’t do any of the things they say they are going to do. What’s more, they don’t even know why they don’t do it. Think about the numerous times each of us has set a simple goal like getting up at 6:00 A.M. to get in some good exercise before going to work. Even though we know we said it and had all the greatest of intentions, 6:00 came and went and we never did a lick of exercise. So what causes that to happen? We know consciously we need that exercise, we know that it is good for us and that we will reap tremendous benefits from it, yet we still fail to follow through.

Well, I understand the root of the problem and I’m going to gladly share it with you today! The reality of the situation is that much of who we are today has nothing to do with what we consciously think about every day. Believe it or not, our personalities, behaviors and nuances were developed many years ago when we were babies between the ages of one and four. We were accidentally taught to be afraid, to question ourselves, to always seek approval and to “watch out.” Think about how many times in our early childhood we were told things like no, stop that, you can’t do that, watch out, be careful, get away from there. Or how about the old warning “don’t talk to strangers.” While everyone, of course, had great intentions and were looking out for our best interest, no one realized that we were being programmed with a whole host of self-imposed limitations which would prevent us from achieving our greatest ambitions. You see, no one ever explained why we shouldn’t talk to strangers or that all the no’s, can’ts, won’ts, etc. wouldn’t apply in the same way years from now. I can tell you that the conversations I have with my ten-year-old daughter are very different from the ones my parents had with me. She is a future billionaire, a future star, a great leader. How do I know? Because that’s what she’s been frequently told and, therefore, that’s what she’s been programmed to believe. Long-term, she may not remember the conversations we’ve had now, but she will act upon those subconscious programs causing her to do things she doesn’t even know how or why she does. Pretty deep, huh?

You may be thinking, is there any hope for me? Is it too late? The good news is, it’s never too late, but the bad news is, we can’t turn back the clock and start over nor is there a magic wand that’s going to wipe away the old thinking and replace it with powerful thinking. That means it’s going to take hard work. But if you’re willing to do the work, I’m willing to tell you what work to do.

Let The Connection Process Begin
Here are five things you can do immediately to begin connecting your disconnect. Remember, your subconscious mind is very strong and it is an extremely loyal foot soldier. This means it will not want to take different orders from what it is accustomed to carrying out, so you will need to be diligent and disciplined to make this new connection. What’s at stake?…a chance to change your life forever!

Step I – Positive Self Talk
We are so used to thinking worst things first, finding fault with everything including ourselves, and we allow that negative, doubting voice to win the majority of the time over the voice of faith, courage, reason and positivity. We need to constantly and consistently talk positively to ourselves, telling ourselves we are winners, champions and immensely successful. We are all millionaires…we just haven’t been paid yet! Remember, our words become thoughts, our thoughts become actions and our actions become our results. Most importantly it is imperative to say the right words to yourself!

Step II – Affirmation Cards

First, let's make sure we're clear on what an affirmation is: talking about the way you want your life to be in the future but, speaking it into existence in the present tense.

On your computer, create a template of text boxes in order to enter affirmations. For example:

-I enjoy earning $10,000 a month and I appreciate all the positive things I am doing for myself, my family and my community.

Once you put all the affirmations you desire in the boxes, simply load some card stock in your printer, print them and cut them out. Again, an affirmation means something that you're already doing and if you're already doing it, then it will cause you to act accordingly to receive those benefits. Ultimately, you are tricking your subconscious mind into a new belief, one that YOU control. You no longer have to be limited by the programs you inherited; now, you can install your own future. With these affirmation cards, you have the new you right at your finger tips. Read these cards three times a day with passion, focus and true belief and watch your new life unfold before you.

Step III – Record Yourself And Listen To It

You know who we trust the most? Ourselves. Yes, there are tremendous benefits from listening to coaches, mentors and experts, but when it comes to change; it has to come from within. So, here’s your chance to listen to YOU. Get a small recorder and record your goals, your dreams, your desires and your positive self talk. No matter how big they are and no matter how silly you may think this is…do it anyway! Your future is depending on it!

Step IV – Create A Visual Dream Board

What do you desire? Whatever it is, the more your brain can visualize it, see it, feel it and believe it, the more likely you are to achieve it. This project is fun. Cut out pictures of your greatest desires regardless of what they are. It doesn’t have to be material things; they could be as simple as just wanting more time at home with your kids. It’s your dream board but there is one catch…you must dream big! It’s been proven throughout the course of history that what can be seen in the mind can be brought to fruition. After all, we did send someone to the moon!

Step V – The Most Important Step – Learn Through EdgeUtainment

Like anything that requires a lot of work, commitment, discipline and consistency, people want to know if there is an easier way? Is there some type of pill I can take that would connect my disconnect? Well, there isn’t a pill, but I have something I know works even better…it’s called EdgeUtainment!!

Here’s How It Works, Why It’s So Effective And Why You Must Do it!

It’s simple. If you believe what you’ve read to this point, then you understand that any individual’s lack of achievement or success is directly related to his/her disconnect between the conscious and subconscious mind. Well, it’s the same thing for learning. Our whole life we have been subjected to conscious learning, from either a book or from a teacher and, while I’m not trying to minimize the value of formal education, the reality is most of us couldn’t recall what we learned if our lives depended on it. Imagine having to pass a surprise geometry test in order to keep your job. Good luck! But what if you were asked to name the main character of the Flintstones or what food Popeye ate to gain his strength? You would laugh and say Fred and spinach. Now that you’re done chuckling, think about that. For years you studied geometry in school but, how many years did you study the Flintstones and Popeye? Exactly, none! That’s the difference between conscious learning and subconscious learning. That’s EdgeUtainment! It’s the concept of combining education with entertainment which gives you the edge you need to succeed. This process wastes no time with conscious learning. We are able to slip powerful, life-changing messages right into your subconscious mind just like you had happen to you when you were two years old, except now we give you the right messages and lessons that produce results! This way of learning works and it is an absolute MUST for anyone wanting to immediately connect the disconnect to success. To learn more about EdgeUtainment and how it has changed people’s lives visit .

Now you have control back…so the question is,  what will you do with it? Will you continue to live like so many others…disconnected?  Or, will you finally connect your disconnect and achieve all of your greatest desires?

10/30/2007 7:00:00 AM
Written by EdgeUtainment
Gregg Amerman began his quest for a better way of life and financial freedom in his mid-twenties and achieved overwhelming success in his early thirties. He attributes his achievements to the tremendous personal growth he experienced while being tutored and coached by some of the most respected and successful individuals...
View Full Profile

Wow that was like a seminar in a blog. Thanks for all the valuable tips. We all need focus on what is right and what we want to be instead of what is wrong.
Posted by Mary

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