Extreme Case of Excema...

My 1 year old niece was diagnosed with Excema when she was about 3-4 months old, she has been prescribed Excema creams, bath wash, etc and nothing seems to work. They live in Denver, CO and the weather there is very dry, which seems to aggravate her Excema, her skin is so dry that it's not cracking and a milky-brownish fluid is coming out of the skin around her ankles. She has red blotches on her upper thighs, back of both knees, arms and back, and scratches constantly when those areas are not covered by clothing. My brother and sister-in-law have been to dermatologists, her pediatrician and now the Children's Hospital in Denver. The Dr. has prescribed another cream to try and has advised that her condition could worsen with the coming winter. They are hopeful that the Excema will lighten up as she gets older, but for the time being it's horrible and she seems to be itching all the time. The Dr at Children's Hospital recommend wetting a onesie and wringing out water so the onesie is damp then putting her new lotion on and the onesie over it, then putting another layer of dry clothing over the wet onesie, this should keep her skin nice and moist, the problem is that with living in Denver, CO they can only do this during the warm months.

Does anyone have any recommendations as to what they can try to cure or help with the Excema?

Does anyone have any knowledge on Egyptian Magic cream for skin?
9/18/2007 2:29:20 PM
Written by Mareesa
My most recent adventure in life is to run a half marathon, I ran one a few years ago and for some crazy reason I’ve decided to do it again. I ran my first half marathon in 2 hour and 11 minutes, and my goal this time around is to run in 2 hours or less. All I can say if I am really going to need to speed things up this ...
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I am glad to hear that your daughter is doing well. Just a couple of questions for you. Does she have any other health challenges? Allergies etc.? While you have noticed improvements in your daughter, the underlying cause of the excema has not been addressed by the steroid cream. Only the symptoms have been treated.
Posted by Donald Farrish
Steroids are such a horrible thing to give such a young, precious infant. Dr's only want to give drugs to anyone that comes in. It is so saddening to hear that, when there are so many other wonderful agents such as Chloraphyll that can be put right on the skin. Chlorapyll has many healing properties, and is very gentle.
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Here's an update on my niece, she is doing so well. Her skin is all better, now it's just maintenance for my brother and sister-in-law, the dermatologists prescribed her a different steroid cream, after using it for a few days her skin became normal again, no more red spots, or bleeding. They took her back to the dermatologist for a check up and they can start using regular cream on her. They will from time to time probably need to use the medicated cream, but not for daily use. Everyone in my family is so happy, my niece seems much happier too!
Posted by Mareesa
Dear Maressa - Please, please, please contact me. I will send you samples of the Arbonne ABC Baby Line. I am an Independent Consulant and have seen INCREDIBLE results with this product. The Baby Wash and Baby Oil and Lotion along with our Skin Conditioning Oil will help her SOOOO much. They were created to soothe and heal skin. Please don't wait! Sincerely, Judy Morris 562-882-2837
Posted by arbonne
When I was a kid I had severe excema and psorisis. What I found out years later was that I had celiac disease and that excema and psorisis were signs that my liver was working over time. While simple dry skin doesn't necessarily mean celiac, if it were my niece I would have her tested for celiac. There are simple, non evasive tests that can determine if one has this condition. When you know which foods to avoid it is not so taxing on the body. Good luck.
Posted by
Mareesa... My wife and young daughter (4) had problems with excema. Don't anymore. We've found a company that makes products that are more natural, affordable, effective. We buy wholesale from them as customers. They have a lotion that is absolutely fantastic for Excema, dry skin, cracked heels, psoriasis. Has beaten Eucerin in double blinded studies. Think you should atleast check it out. Love to share more with you. Nothing to lose getting the info. That's the way we looked at it. It's changed our lives. Let us help. Think you'll find this website helpful. Has actual information about how to treat excema on it... <url removed> * user name: mela * password: now You'll be able to contact us there. Looking forward to helping you! We can relate to what you're struggling with!!
Posted by Levi
During a time of extreme stress a couple years ago I developed patches of excema on my arms and legs that nothing seemed to help. Doing some research online I came across a company that sells something called Itch Ointment. I read several testimonials from people who said it made their excema disappear completely so I tried it, and it worked great! I highly recommend it. Plus it's all natural and inexpensive, you really can't go wrong trying it. Here are a couple websites I found for reference. Before buying though do a google search because the prices charged range widely from company to company. (when I first bought it was only available from the original company in UT) It works great for any other kind of skin irritation as well. <url removed> <url removed>
Posted by Ruth
Find a good baby skin care line that doesn't use sulfates, perfumes or dyes. Some of the more popular brands are actually pretty harsh even when the lable says "gentle".
Posted by Lisa
Get her a water filter for the shower/bath and you'll be amazed at the difference. Chlorinated water is one of the biggest causes of skin problems. I can recommend some good one's for you.
Posted by Neil
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