Why Does My Jaw and Ear Hurt

If Your Jaw and Ears Hurt, these 5 Reasons Might Be the Cause

Do you have jaw and ear pain simultaneously? Although it might seem unusual, the two parts are located close to each other. Thus, it is not that unusual that your ear and jaw hurts at the same time. Moreover, there are five possible reasons that this might be happening. Keep reading to know what these causes could be.

Why Does My Jaw and Ear Hurt?    

The pain in your jaw and ear can be associated with many problems. It can signify an issue with your ear, jaw, or mouth. Moreover, it can simply happen due to trauma or injury in another part of your body, also known as referred pain. The following reasons can be the possible causes of your aching ear and jaw:

TMJ Disorders

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) consists of your jaw joint and related muscles. Right next to your TMJ is your temporal bone, which includes your inner ear. TMJ is responsible for the majority of the work while you chew and talk. A TMJ disorder can bring swelling and pain to your jaw. And since it is closely connected to your ear, the pain spreads there as well. If your face and ears suffer from pain, it can signify a TMJ disorder. A chronic TMJ syndrome is possible if these indications last for more than three months. 

However, pain and swelling can also be for other reasons. The symptoms might look like TMJ, but they can simply be due to sleep apnea, stress, depression, or other issues.


If you catch a cold or get allergies, your sinusitis can become irritated or swollen. Mainly, a virus is the cause of sinusitis, but bacteria can be a reason too. Sinusitis can bring ear and jaw pain with it.

Dental Problems

If you don’t stick to proper dental hygiene, you can develop many health-related issues. Firstly, it leads to the formation of plaque. Plaque buildup can cause tooth decay, dental abscess, and gum disease. Your ear and jaw will suffer if you leave these conditions untreated. Thus, just maintaining proper oral care can save you from your ear and jaw troubles. 

Oral Infections

Plaque buildup gives you dental abscesses, which can cause pain in your ears and jaw. Your gums around your teeth might become tender and inflamed due to an infection. If you have a toothache that goes away, but the pain returns in your jaw and ear instead, it can be a sign of the infection spreading. Therefore, make a visit to your dentist’s office if you suspect you have an infection.

Teeth Grinding

Bruxism or teeth grinding can result in TMJ disorders. We already know that TMJ disorder can hurt your jaw and ears. Thus, if you consciously or unconsciously grind your teeth, you risk TMJ and jaw-ear pain.


If you have an ache in your ear or jaw, it can signify many issues. We have listed five common reasons you might experience pain in these areas. If you experience pain in these areas, visiting your dentist will be the best option.

12/7/2022 3:52:50 PM
Sophie Taylor
Written by Sophie Taylor
Sophie Taylor is an avid reader and writer. She loves to write about different topics – ranging from business development to crafting tips, and healthcare.
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