Improve Your Life by Adding in a Little GRACE

We live in a world of perpetual rushing, trying to get everything done, right now. It’s impossible to run all the time, and we always feel like we’re behind. Let’s relax and generate joy through G. R. A. C. E.

Gratitude: Don’t waste time ruminating over what you don’t have. Rejoice in what you do have. Put that time to better use, finding better ways to use your resources, get what you really need, and enjoy it.

Realistic: Take the “S” off your chest, or step away from the Kryptonite. This is one of my 5 Keys to Caregiver Survival. But it doesn’t just apply to eldercare. It’s important to set goals and continue to grow, but even with hard work, some things will still be out of reach. I told my personal trainer I wanted to look like Tina Turner. He said,” Get over it.”  I got it, but I worked hard. Now, I look and feel so much better. Aspire to be the best you that you can be. 

Advocate for yourself: Protect your time. You have only so many minutes on the planet. Use them to do what you are called to do. Take time to listen to your inner voice and higher power before you act. Be still and know where your time is best spent.

Access the power of “NO.” When something needs to be done, it doesn’t always follow that you personally have to do it, even if you can. For adults “I don’t want to” is a good enough reason, and respect does not equal obedience. Don’t be afraid to smile and say “no.”

Good people may ask you to do good things, but be sure you do what your inner voice calls you to do. You can’t keep pouring out if you never fill up. Every day, make time to do something just because it makes you happy. Maybe you can’t take a class, or see a movie. Maybe you can grab only a few minutes to connect with friends, read, sing, dance, draw, or whatever recharges you. Don’t wait until you’re exhausted. Schedule regular appointments with yourself. Limit your exposure to toxic people. Life is a team sport. You may have to bench some people. You don’t have to put them out of the stadium. They might be family, but don’t share your dreams with naysayers. Surround yourself with people who inspire, mentor, and encourage you. 

Chill Out! Don’t major in the minor.  Stop killing yourself, trying to be perfect. Do your best, but pick your battles. The world won’t stop turning if everything isn’t “just so.” Some things can be good enough. It’s okay to ask yourself, “how much does this really matter?”

Exercise:  You know the physical benefits for your heart, joints, and figure, but regular exercise can also lift your spirits. Get moving with activities you enjoy, and your brain will release chemicals that decrease pain and anxiety, and increase contentment. Joy strengthens your spirit and creates the most effective evangelizing. People will want to know about the power that lets you face your trials with joy. Generate joy, make your life better, and show your inner power to the world.


Dr. Cheryl Woodson is an author who specialized in Geriatric Medicine for more than thirty years, and also navigated her mother's ten-year journey with Alzheimer's disease. She taught Geriatrics in medical schools, founded community-based care-coordinating Geriatrics programs, and served on the White House Conference on Aging. Shooting from the hip and from the heart, Dr. Woodson brings a unique perspective to professional and  family caregivers, community activists, and policy-makers. For more information and resources visit

6/18/2014 7:00:00 AM

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