Posts by HealthyVoyager

Not really known for being a hot tourist town, Orland, California is actually quite special. With hundreds of people visiting this small farm town north of Sacramento, the main attraction is Farm Sanctuary. A beautiful farm dedicated to saving farm animals from slaughterhouses and other awful environments, giving them a new lease on life. Though Chico is only 20 minutes away, I was surprised to find...
1/23/2013 2:23:53 PM
Known for being a college town surrounded by farmland, Chico is a great little town in California. Just north of Sacramento, Chico has a great downtown area that is packed with cute shops, nice restaurants and an awesome park. It's a fun place for a little excursion and a fab place to dine as well! As you may have noticed, I'm always on the hunt for great vegan and gluten free pizzas when I travel...
1/16/2013 4:51:37 PM
Well, it's here, the new year. Gone are the holidays, our money and our waistlines and time to get back on track. Sure, everyone has goals and thnigs they want to accomplish this year but is traveling more something you think about every January 1st and never get around to doing? Well, all work and no play makes all of us dull folks. We need to strike a balance in our lives as this way we can be much...
1/9/2013 12:40:42 PM
Christmas is just around the corner and there is still lots to do. Shopping, cooking, parties, and traveling cn take a toll on you and your wallet. But be sure to try some of these easy and fun green tips that will help you be more eco conscious this holiday season and may even save some green from leaving your bank account! Decor Natural Decor & Scents - Pine cones, tree trimmings, baked goods and...
12/11/2012 1:01:56 PM
Folks around the country are just about to light the first candle on the menorah this weekend. For 8 nights there will be food, fun and family however, let us not forget to be green! Check out some of these easy tips to have a healthy and green Hanukkah! Eco-nukkah Decor & Festivities Make your own menorah - Get creative with the centerpiece of the holiday. Recycling and reusing every day materials...
12/6/2012 4:04:19 PM
If you haven't already shopped your brains out on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, chances are you will be shop, shop, shopping your way through the holiday season. Outside of the financial strain on your bank account, shopping for hours on end, weekend after holiday weekend can be taxing on your body. This is why it's important to shop smart both for your wallet and your body so be sure to check out...
11/28/2012 3:34:07 PM
We have made it to the most wonderful time of the year! Or so they say. This time of year, for many, is that mad scramble to shop, fly or drive and be merry. We all spread ourselves a little too thin, grind our teeth in order to not make waves during a family gathering and do our best to dodge illness despite germy flights and malls. Well, below I've concoted my list of tips on how to keep up your...
11/7/2012 1:44:11 PM
'Tis the season for black, orange and purple but let's not forget about green! While we are prepping for ghouls, gobblins and sinful goodies, be sure to try some of these simple green tips so that the rest of the year doesn't become an environmental nightmare! Visit and sign up for Green Halloween - it's a great resource for parents & schools to help make Halloween healthy and safe for our most precious...
10/23/2012 1:32:36 PM
Located in the central valley of California, Fresno is home to the Forestiere Underground Gardens and the gateway to Yosemite National Park. Whether you're driving through or spending time on a road trip through California, Fresno has plenty of great vegan and gluten free options to keep you smiling up and down the coast! Revive Cafe and Organic Fresno are sister locales. Revive is Fresno's only raw...
10/17/2012 11:53:56 AM
Despite having spent so much time in Manhattan, I'm not ready to leave without looking into the delicious, healthy and vegan eats available across the East River in Brooklyn! So many hip neighborhoods and so much good food, let's get started! Being in a concrete jungle, amongst all the hustle and bustle, finding serenity is key. And serenity you will find at Boerum Hill's Tres Belle Petite Medi-Spa,...
10/10/2012 3:32:13 PM