Posts by Wellness Editor

Rehabilitation is one of the best ways to protect our muscle strength directly, but what about when one limb is injured (and thus immobilized) what good is rehab then? Well, common thought has been to wait until the injured limb is healed before beginning rehabilitation, but new evidence suggests that may not be the best approach. Defeating Muscle Wastage Due to Immobilization During immobility muscles...
7/13/2022 4:00:00 AM
Body mass index, or BMI, is a tool for estimating a person’s body composition. High percentages of body fat can indicate higher risks for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea and other weight-related conditions. But BMI is just one of several numbers to consider when looking at a person's health. Consider: a person is relatively thin, their BMI is normal, and yet they have high blood pressure....
7/11/2022 4:00:00 AM
The fifteenth century British poet John Donne wrote, “No man is an island, Entire of itself," alluding to the need of humans for contact with each other. People are interdependent, and no human can live in isolation without being diminished.Research indicates social isolation produces dire consequences. Loneliness is more than a disagreeable emotional reaction to a lack of companionship. Loneliness...
7/8/2022 4:00:00 AM
Love them or hate them, it sure does seem like mushrooms are a polarizing food. For those who love to eat them, there are many benefits to making them a regular part of a well-balanced diet.Even though they're technically a fungus, mushrooms count toward daily vegetable intake recommendations, so add them to a stir fry or chop them up and drop them in a soup to reap their benefits regularly.Mushrooms...
7/7/2022 4:00:00 AM
While swimming, we've all mistakenly taken some water down the wrong pipe. No big deal, right? Unfortunately, it's possible to actually drown hours later on dry land. It is more common in children than adults. The following information will help you spot the signs which could mean life or death for someone you love. Here is what it looks like, how it happens, and what to look out for. The Two Types...
7/5/2022 4:00:00 AM
Over 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year. Prevention is the key to a long and healthy life. Most of us know some of the most basic heart disease prevention steps, such as getting plenty of exercise and eliminating fatty foods from our diets. But the majority of us are still doing things that could harm our cardiovascular health without even realizing it. Check out these five surprising...
7/3/2022 4:00:00 AM
We may start to notice wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots and soon others notice too. We're aging. And honestly, only the very lucky get to experience it. So maybe we start out trying to appreciate it. But honestly, we'd probably prefer to look like we used to. There’s a lot of hype around anti-aging products, though and many of them don’t give the promised results. And how can we know which do and...
7/2/2022 4:00:00 AM
It used to be that we were concerned abou the long-term effects of cigarettes or recreational drug use, but these days, there are more dangers than ever, and some may even appear to be a good idea — but the truth is, we just don't know enough to say what harm may come from their use. Below, we tell you how much is too much.Although energy drinks are a popular source of caffeine for many people, they...
7/1/2022 4:00:00 AM
Despite staying active and eating right, some of us find it challenging to maintain a healthy weight. But what if we could actually lose a few pounds while in a peaceful slumber? Too good to be true? Maybe not. Check out these ways we can burn some calories while we sleep. Sleep in a Cool Environment Sweat it out at night? Some people may think a good sweat can help flush out toxins and contribute...
6/30/2022 4:00:00 AM
Most Americans eat three meals per day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, interspersed with small snacks. Breakfast is usually light (or, for some individuals, skipped altogether), followed by a heavier lunch and an even heavier dinner. Dinner can be as late as 8 pm, and many people even continue to snack after that. This system can be a huge problem for diabetics, which is why they follow a special diet....
6/29/2022 4:00:00 AM