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(6 Reviews)
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Absolutely, they always make me feel like I'm their only patient.
Did this provider prominently display their diplomas or business license?
Did this provider have an entertaining selection of waiting room magazines?
Did this provider show attention to detail?
Absolutely! They are always very careful and meticulous
Does this chiropractor offer lifestyle and nutritional advice to further your recovery?
Absolutely! I was given many practical and helpful tips that sped up my recovery!
by Anonymous
July 08, 2011
"I am a professional tennis player, having competed at Wimbledon, the French Open and many other venues over the past 14 years. I’ve suffered from numerous unexplained injuries in the past and have had 5 surgeries, 3 stress fractures and tendonitis an uncountable number of times. It was really frustrating for me having the ability to compete with top players, but never able to keep myself healthy long enough to maintain and improve what I believe is my potential.

About 4 years ago I first was made aware of chiropractic that includes Applied Kinesiology. I realized that it’s not just the physical stress of everyday training that causes injury but can also be other factors. I also learned that my spinal cord sends messages to the joints, muscles and tendons, and if it is not firing at 100%, these areas become weak and cause injuries. Weaknesses can be identified with kinesiology and chiropractic and can be corrected, preventing a lot of problems before they even get started. Nutrition is another element that is important. I have learned which foods cause my system to shut down, making me feel fatigued and irritated, and which ones help me. Competing with the best I need to feel as close to a 100% as I can all the time.

I have been working with Dr. Aaron for the past 4 months, since I have been using San Francisco as a base. He has helped me not only to stay healthy, but also in finding new ways to increase my strength, physically, emotionally and mentally. We have created an individual nutritional program, for the nutrients my body needs specifically to keep my energy levels up as well as keep my weight consistent. I would strongly recommend Dr. Aaron to any serious professional athlete, since he has a very good understanding of the level of well being an athlete needs to perform at their best." Regards Surina
by Surinad
January 01, 2010
Dr Aaron listens and really does care. He wants you to get well and feel better and it truly shows. Not only have I had chiropractic and craniosacral work, he has also done NeuroEmotional Technique and tested me for the supplements that I need. I feel better now and have a better idea how to take care of my body.
by ESDaisy
January 01, 2010
I was referred to Dr. Aaron by my husband. Having been treated with chiropractic most of his life, he believed that I could benefit from Dr. Aaron's care. As a registered nurse and follower of "Western" medicine, I was very skeptical at first. The treatments and adjustments seemed too simple. I wasn't sold on the impact of nutrition on total wellness, and resisted the dietary modifications. Then I came to the conclusion that I really needed to give it a fair trial and see what happened.

After only a few treatments and some changes in my diet, I realized that I was feeling better than I had ever felt before. My energy level was much higher, I rarely had headaches anymore (I used to have one or two every week or so), and I felt happier. Within a few months I was able to stop taking my anti-depressant medication, which I had been taking on and off for 9 years. I have not taken any medications for anxiety or depression in a year and a half, and do not foresee the need to take them ever again. I had also been taking a low-dose antibiotic every day for acne. With the improvement in my nutrition, my skin is much clearer and the antibiotic is no longer necessary.

Because of the results that I have seen firsthand with Dr Aaron's chiropractic care, I would highly recommend his services to anyone who is suffering or struggling with any medical or emotional problem. There are many avenues to explore when one is seeking effective health care. Based on my experiences with chiropractic, I feel that this route uncovers the underlying problem. Once that is corrected, true wellness can only follow.
by cmtgthr
August 01, 2008
I was looking for a chiropractor to whom I could go
for regular visits for "tune-up" adjustments. I
find that in my every day work, commute, exercise,
days off, etc. that I can easily get soreness and
pains that a compotent chiropractor can allieve.
Dr. Michael Aaron is the best chiropractor I have ever frequented, and I find regular visits to his
office essential for my good health and piece of mind.
I visited numerous chiropractors in the past and
have had many bad experiences which made me very
cautious in finding a new one. I visited
chiropractors who did not consider where I was
out of line but just did an overall cracking of
everything, causing great back pain. I also visited
one who seemed to be in the dark ages, using his
fist to adjust my neck. I also visited one who,
although a good doctor, harassed me endlessly
about pre-paying for visits. At Dr. Aaron's,
refreshingly, not only did I not encounter any of
the above issues, but was pleased to find that he is
an excellent chiropractor, and he has a wealth of
knowledge about nutrition and allergic reactions
that have been incredibly helpful.
I feel I can rely on Dr. Aaron to allieviate any
bone related pain I have as well as keeping my body
in tune and feeling good and free moving. I have
consulted him on digestive issues and allergic
reactions, and he has always been able to provide
the resolution to the issue that will get me back to
feeling fine. I also feel assured that he is there
to help me because I have made emergency appointments
where he made himself available on very little
notice. Besides all that, he is also more
conveniently located for me than others I've
visited, as well as billing my insurance, rather
than having me pay up front or in advance, as others
have. The massages and massage chair made available
are other great parts of his office's services.
I have referred patients, and I describe the muscle
testing that Dr. Aaron uses to pinpoint issues and
how sometimes I may not mention exactly where I'm
having pain, and he can find it exactly without any
input from me. It's quite remarkable. I also
emphasize the gentle touch, that he's not
a "rack 'em and crack 'em" type, by any means.
by RoseF
July 30, 2008
12/26/2006 Posted by griffinadventures

Dr. Aaron, meeting you has been a true pleasure and gift in my life. After 3 and a half years of intolerable pain in my neck, shoulder and arm on the left side, dozens of doctors, techniques and theories, I finally have you to thank for bringing me back home to a life of comfort and joy. Along my journey back to health, I've tried just about everything under the moon aside from surgery to find resolve and more than not, found only treatments to subdue the pain, not correct the balance within. Craniosacral work was new to me before meeting you, and I now can't say enough how important this was and is in the restoration of my health. In just a month's time of seeing you, I'm living with complete peace and freedom of movement. This, along with your sensitive and intuitive knowledge in nutritional balance has been the grace to my well being. I'm so glad I found you! Thank you so much. Jeri G.
by griffie
June 21, 2008
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