Tagged as Sugar

I have noticed that more and more businesses keep a small bowl of candy in reception areas and on countertops. They are practically becoming part of the décor. The other day, while waiting for my hairstylist, a woman marched over to the obligatory bowl of candy, snatched up a fistful of candy and announced, “I need some sugar!” She was not a diabetic in distress; she was not faint from not eating. She...
August 24, 2021
Many experts link drinking too many sugar-sweetened beverages to weight gain and related conditions such as type 2 diabetes. But do diet drinks made with -artificial sweeteners- also contribute? A recent study showed that consuming artificially sweetened beverages with carbohydrates could boost our risk of insulin resistance, but not at all in the way the researchers thought they would. Artificial...
August 10, 2020
Alzheimer's disease is the -most common form of dementia. While a single direct cause is still not entirely known, there are some things scientists are learning that may aid in the prevention. Sugary snacks, starchy foods and processed meats aren’t the healthiest options. But could these foods also increase your Alzheimer's risk? - The Apparent Sugar and Alzheimer's Link - Consuming too much sugar...
July 13, 2020
Sugar can be downright divine. Just thinking about all the sinful, sticky, gooey possibilities can get our mouths watering. Humans and animals alike are -programmed- to love the sweet stuff, but too much of it may trigger a nasty spiral that can be difficult to escape. Excessive sugar consumption can cause changes to the brain similar to those caused by drug addiction, leading to cravings, binges and...
July 1, 2020
How much sugar do you consume each day? You might be surprised by how much of the sweet stuff is sneaking into your diet, without your consent. Hidden sugars are rampant in the food industry, -especially in ultra-processed foods. But the good news is that new FDA labeling requirements may help. Under the new requirements, food manufacturers must specify the amount of added sugar in most products. Since...
February 21, 2020
For years, many diets have claimed that eating fruit is just as bad as eating candy, because of the sugar - but that -may not be the case. Most American adults consume toxic levels, or - more than 50 grams - of added sugar, each day. What many don’t realize is that not all sugar works the same way in our bodies—and - where - that sugar comes from is likely far more important than how many servings...
June 11, 2018
With the warm weather approaching, all of us will enjoy more time outside. But when you get thirsty, think twice before reaching for a sugar-sweetened beverage. Drinking sugary drinks has been linked to gaining visceral fat, a dangerous type of body fat linked to serious health risks. There are two types of fat in our bodies: subcutaneous and visceral, and while each carries its own risks, the more...
April 8, 2016
Lower-Calorie, Lower-Fat Treats For Kids - When selecting treats for your guests, you may want to consider low- calorie, low-fat options. Snacks that are fun and better for kids' health creates a win-win situation. Tips and Treats for a Healthy Halloween - The Breast Cancer - Halloween Connection - Sugar feeds cancer cells. Sugar creates an acidic cellular environment which supports the growth of cancer...
October 13, 2015
Last October I took my son to the dentist. As I reached for my credit card to pay, I noticed a big bowl filled with small candy bars sitting next to the receptionist's desk. "Really!?" I asked. "This is a -dentist." The receptionist seemed unphased. Fall definitely has a dark side, and no, I don't just mean shorter days. Halloween initiates the high-sugar impact season that begins in early October...
October 6, 2015
Ahhh..... October. Cooler air, pumpkins, breast cancer awareness month and the official start of non-stop candy season. I find it interesting and ironic that we become more "aware" of breast cancer and then run out and buy bags and bags of Halloween candy. I was in Target the other day and I swear that end of the store was sagging under the weight! Unbelievable!! - According to a site compiling data...
October 2, 2015