Tagged as Sleep

Can’t sleep? Perhaps it’s what you’re listening to. By now you’ve probably met someone who can’t fall asleep without their sound machine, but what does science say about them? Plus, there are so many listening choices––which is best for you? While there are many types (and colors) of sound, three stand out that are worth mentioning. White Noise - White noise was the first type of sound to hit the market...
August 23, 2017
You’ve likely heard people talk about training for a marathon or perhaps even on-the-job training, but have you ever heard of training a baby to sleep? - Rest assured, you can and should expect your baby to acquire the skill of sleeping through the night, but rarely does that happen without parental training. While the - On Becoming Babywise - best-selling book is one of the most respected resources...
August 23, 2017
Sleep might be the most undervalued aspect of weight loss. When I called getting seven to nine hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep -my big needle mover- for fast, lasting fat loss, I wasn't kidding. Manufacturers understand our epidemic sleep struggle. That’s why any drugstore or health-minded grocery offers a wide array of natural sleep aids. How do you choose the best one? Based on research coupled...
July 12, 2015
Want to know my big needle mover for fast, lasting fat loss? It has nothing - and -everything - to do with the foods you eat and exercise you do. The best thing you can do to stay lean and healthy involves a good night's sleep. I'm talking quantity -and- quality here. If you sleep eight hours, but wake up three times during the night to go to the bathroom, you're not getting high-quality sleep, and...
April 13, 2015
Great weekend. Uh oh. It's Monday! - Late nights, too little sleep, indulging in too much good stuff (not all of it healthy), and maybe, just maybe getting a little over-served? You can make a few simple changes to avoid the dreaded brain fog and keep your life and work on-track. Although it helps, you don't have to give up your weekend fun or become a party pooper to cut the brain fog. Sure you could...
February 21, 2015
Many of us are concerned that our inability to get a good 8 hours of sleep each night may have an adverse effect on our health. Research shows that sleeping 8 hours or more (or 6 hours or less) per night can actually increase your mortality risk. Time Magazine reported results of a study by Daniel Kripke, a sleep psychologist in California, that found that people who get 6 to 7 hours of sleep live...
November 4, 2014