Tagged as Sex

Our sexual health is one of the most important elements of our whole being and natural existence, and yet one that is often shunned, ignored or found to be downright "dirty." A mentor of mine once said, "You should look at EVERY person as a sexual being!" - In my fertility practice, I constantly have patients asking about ways to bring about or keep the "spark" alive in their relationship. I think...
July 30, 2021
Is there a greater connection between menopause and our sex lives than many of us ever imagined? We're not talking about -declining desire or vaginal dryness. Nope, it seems that while it may seem like menopause causes sex-life changes, the link actually goes both ways. A study from British researchers has shown that a boring sex life could lead to an earlier onset of menopause in some women. Not having...
November 25, 2020
Many couples say what broke their relationship was their failure to communicate. They stopped talking to each other and letting one another in on the important parts of their lives. Communication is one of the key foundations of every relationship. It is often a turn-on to your partner if you communicate with them frequently and let them know exactly how you’re feeling. Bedroom Talk - One of the biggest...
November 16, 2020
Society says women aren’t as sexually driven as men, that they don’t need as much action in the bedroom as their male counterparts. Science, on the other hand, says women actually need - more - sex than men. And the stats back it up. The majority of women - approximately -62% - are not satisfied with their sex life. What’s more, women are twice as likely than men to describe their sex life as “boring.”...
October 26, 2020
If you’ve ever gotten frustrated because your partner won’t get off their smartphone and come to bed, -research shows you’re not alone.  Single people and those in long-term relationships are having less sex and experiencing less intimacy overall, and an examination of the issue suggests technology, -harmful in plenty of other ways-, might be to blame for this, too. Even in the younger age groups,...
July 22, 2020
Age could determine how well one is informed about HIV and AIDS. It turns out that the younger you are, the less likely you might be to have all the facts. Declining HIV awareness could be putting countless young people at risk. A recent survey found people in Generation Z and Millennial age groups were dangerously uninformed about HIV. Between 54% and 80% fail to use any form of protection, and roughly...
June 24, 2020
Are you looking to boost the romance in your world? A great place to infuse a little starry-eyed wonder is your sex life. Sex isn’t just about feeling good. It’s also about the intimacy and bond two people can share. Some people skip the romance and go straight to sex, without much thought as to what their partner might need. Bringing romance to the bedroom can help increase the bond and make things...
February 27, 2020
The bedroom is more than merely a place to sleep. It’s an extension of who we are, and what we do with it can have effects that go well beyond how often we get a solid 8 hours. It may even impact the most intimate areas of our lives. Here are five ways that can happen and ways to set it right. An Uncomfortable Bed - Whether the mattress is worn and creaky, the sheets are scratchy or it’s time to replace...
November 21, 2019
Depression is hard enough when it doesn’t affect your intimate life. But it can be downright devastating when its treatment also strips us of that one vital pleasure. Antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction in many users, but there are solutions. Some people find it’s a side effect that wanes over time if they wait it out, while others may need to switch to a different antidepressant or add a new...
November 14, 2019
You know, that person that you see — they just seem to exude that something special that you can’t quite put your hands on? They radiate charisma, an air of confidence, ease, joy and a certain- je ne sais quoi. Some people naturally have this way of being, while others need to cultivate it. This is what it means to radiate inner sexiness. In our search for love, we’re primarily seeking two things:...
October 16, 2019