Tagged as emergency

Hurricane season is upon us, and whether you live in an at-risk area or not, it is important to always be prepared in an increasingly unpredictable climate. One of the biggest issues first responders run into during disasters is that people fail to plan. This can turn minor problems into major and potentially life threatening ones. Here are 3 things to have ready to keep your family safe. The Essentials...
February 16, 2022
A staggering -70% of US residents- would feel ill-prepared to handle a medical emergency that required them to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Considering about 88% of all heart attacks occur at home, away from immediate medical care, each of us could potentially save a life by knowing this one skill. Any ability is better than none at all, but the more current the practice, the better...
May 26, 2021
Drones are proving to be far more than video recording devices and battle bots. Last year, one -made headlines- for rushing a kidney to an anxiously awaiting transplant recipient and the team of surgeons. Now, researchers are considering the possibility of using drones as first responders. And in the time of pandemics and health worries, this may not be that far off as we all scramble to bring resources...
June 19, 2020
Crowded emergency rooms and long wait times are making it difficult for people to get the care they need. Not only do patients spend a long time waiting to see a doctor, but they also spend a shocking amount of time receiving treatment. On average, patients spend -30 minutes- waiting to be seen and another -128 minutes- getting treated. All of this has caused an increasing number of people to leave...
July 3, 2019
FAST is an acronym for Face, Arm, Speech, and Time; warning signs of a TREATABLE stroke. Modern emergency departments are set up to administer TPA, a clot busting drug, that can resolve a Facial weakness, a paralyzed ARM, or loss of SPEECH - if there is TIME. The time in most cases is just three hours, and it takes an hour to get the the emergency department and get an emergency CT scan to rule out...
November 16, 2013