Tagged as alcoholism

Having a drink before bed is something many people enjoy as a way to unwind or relax. Sharing a nightcap can also be a way for people to carry on an intimate conversation while winding down for the evening. IT seems innocuous and like a calming ritual, but is a drink or two actually bad for us before bed? - Drinking May Lead to Muscle Aches - When the body's blood alcohol level increases, it can lead...
November 11, 2022
Drinking on an occasional or social basis might not seem like a huge deal. Many of us have a drink or two after work or when out with friends. But some significant health benefits come from going just one month without a drink. Some people do a Dry January, but any month is a good month to abstain from alcohol for better health. Check out the health benefits that may come with not drinking for 30 days....
May 25, 2021
A drink here or there seems like an innocent indulgence that can enliven the occasion. But drinking may affect the mind and body differently depending on age group. Studies - are showing that certain age groups can be at a higher risk for alcohol problems than others. And with everything from addiction to long-term memory loss, alcohol overuse impacts the body in multiple negative ways. Check out below...
April 26, 2021
As far as years go, 2020 was a real doozy. Looking at 2021 stretching out before us, many are wondering how they can make it better than last year. Hear us out: making this year a sober year may be the best way to help make it your best year ever. There are plenty of good reasons to avoid alcohol, no matter what year it is, and 2021 is a great place to start. Let's be honest, many of us spent too much...
April 13, 2021
Many people love to toast a few drinks to make a night exciting and memorable or to celebrate special occasions or achievements. But many also wake up the next day in a state they'd rather not be in as the next day brings that dreaded hangover. Whoops. Maybe things got a little out of hand last night. But don't worry, we've got you. If you want to feel better faster, check out these hangover cures...
March 12, 2021
The advice on drinking and health seems to be constantly in flux. You may have heard a glass of wine a day -keeps the doctor away. But is this information still valid? The most recent research has us asking, “Is it time to give up that nightly cocktail?” A recent study out of the University of Washington indicates that drinking -any- amount of alcohol may be harmful to our health. This advice is contradictory...
June 5, 2020
A mixed drink after work to unwind, a glass of wine with dinner, a nightcap to relax before heading to bed — having one drink every day isn’t a big deal, right? Except, for a woman, maybe it is. How Much Alcohol is Safe for Women? - Just three drinks per week raise the risk of invasive hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer by -15%. Drinking 2-3 drinks per day increases the risk to -30-50%. One drink,...
May 26, 2020
In this second part of our two-part series on the effects of alcoholism, our editors cover additional health challenges, alcoholism and relationships, and more. Be sure to -check out part one- if you haven't already. We left off talking about the health problems that can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. And, as you might imagine, there's more than we could cover in the first part, so that's...
January 16, 2020
In this two-part series, our editors explore the effects of alcoholism on health and on the lives of those with a disorder resulting in alcohol abuse. In this part, we cover risk factors, symptoms and emergent health effects. Find the link to the second part of the series at the bottom of this page. While many adults are capable of safely enjoying alcohol from time to time, others are far more susceptible...
January 14, 2020