Tired? 5 Tips to boost your energy!

Fatigue... Are you tired of that familiar feeling and want to boost your energy? There are simple things that you can do to tackle fatigue from getting enough rest to taking some herbs to assist you through your daily activities.

1. Get enough rest.

Go to bed at a similar time each night, aiming for at least 7-8 hours of beauty rest. Many people just need more sleep to be able to function better the next day. They say that an hour of rest before midnight is equivalent to two hours after. Try to go to bed 1 hour earlier for a few days and see how you feel.

2. Eat 3 meals a day.

It is easy to forego breakfast when you're rushing out the door or to skip lunch if you're working hard on an assignment, however healthy food is vital to providing the nutrients that your body needs for all its functions (such as memory, problem-solving, concentration, physical activity, and regeneration).

Some suggestions: For breakfast, one could grab a protein smoothie, prepare a multi-grain toast with almond nut butter or some fruit and for lunch perhaps a leafy green salad with some chicken, cranberries, onions and almonds or a stir-fried veggie and meat would be tempting for your tummy.

3. Spend some time each week indulging in things you enjoy.

This includes nurturing your hobbies and other passions whether it be spending quality time with friends or family, dancing, reading, or hiking.

4. Consider using some herbs to assist your body in dealing with stress and fatigue.

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) is an herb that helps the body adapt to stress. It has been shown to enhance mental and physical performance, reduce stress, improve memory and improve mood (Phytomedicine 2003 Mar 10 (2-3):95-105); Eksp Klin Farmakol 1994;57:61-63).

Eleutherococcus is an adaptogen, that helps the body deal with stress. It helps to normalize blood pressure, increases immune activity, reduces fatigue, combats stress and can alleviate depression.

Avena (Avena sativa) aka milky oats, is high in Magnesium and Calcium which helps to strengthen and nourish the nervous system. It is good for insomnia, nervous exhaustion, and weak libido.

5. Try not to watch TV or to work on the computer 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Artificial lighting interferes with your body's natural circadian rhythms and engaging in these particular activities can alter the quality of your sleep. Consider reading a book, journaling, or talking with loved ones close to your bedtime.

Try implementing these 5 tips and let me know how you're doing!

In health and wellness,

Dr. Lorina Shinsato, ND, LAc

*The information above is not intended to treat, diagnose, or serve as a substitute for competent advice and guidance by a qualified health practitioner.
4/20/2009 10:06:31 PM
Written by Primavita
I am a licensed, board certified naturopathic physician and acupuncturist in the Greater Seattle Area. I love herbs, flowers and learning more about people’s life stories, as we all have things that we can learn from one another. I feel blessed that nature can always help us reconnect with what really matters.
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