Posts by HealthyVoyager

Candles, check. Romantic music, check. Flowers, check. Delicious food...big check! Why deal with getting the perfect reservation, overpaying for a meal that is half the price on any other day or curbing your drinking because you have to drive? And for most folks, it's still cold outside so what better way to keep warm then to cook for your honey and stay home for a romantic evening. The menu below...
2/9/2011 2:32:28 PM
Ah yes, we’ve given all of the gifts, put away the decorations and rung in the new year. And once the December holidays are through, we’re launched into Valentine’s Day mode! What to do, where to go, who to spend it with. Well, while I can’t help you in the dating department, I can help you in choosing some of the most romantic Valentine’s month destinations. Whether you have a valentine this year...
2/2/2011 4:46:39 PM
So I'm back with some more Orlando hot spots! Last week it was all about stuff in town but this week it's goodies you can find in and around the popular theme parks. While I've already done write ups on healthy theme park eating, I didn't get in to specifics and since Orlando is the capital of theme parks, I figured I'd get down to the nitty gritty! Ok, let's start with Universal Studios. Seeing as...
1/27/2011 1:18:08 PM
Orlando is hands down the capital of family fun. Every corner has some sort of attraction, deal, meal or steal. And it can be tough to eat healthy with all the theme park hubub to go around. And sure, that's all good every now and again (to feel like a kid) but I have to say, Orlando's got some damn good dining outside of the Mickey Mouse-sphere (although I'll get to some Orlando theme park finds next...
1/19/2011 8:32:36 PM
It's a new year and you've most likely set some goals. Maybe some professional ones, maybe some personal ones and for a lot of folks, travel may be on that list. How long has it been since you've headed out for some adventure? Do you watch the travel channel longingly, saying "I'd like to go there, someday." Well, pick that some day to be this year! There is no better time like the present so get planning...
1/12/2011 3:37:34 PM
This is the most party packed time of the year! Lots of food, drinking and tons of waste going on. So however you choose to celebrate, do your best to be nice to the earth while you're at it! Here are just a few tips to help you green your holiday celebrations! Eco Invites - As nice as it is to receive a hand written invite, we all know they end up in the trash. Use Evite or Ping and get the job done...
12/16/2010 6:07:24 PM
The holidays are meant to be a time filled with love, peace an understanding. But we all know that we still live in the real world and getting folks together can be challenging. There are bound to be differences in personalities, beliefs and lifestyles (especially with the stress of travel adding to things). While some holiday gatherings just involve a few hours over dinner, others last a few days....
12/8/2010 11:46:11 PM
8 nights of lights, food, family and gifts, Hanukkah is here! Over 8 days you will be over eating, over conversing & dealing with family and over spending so how do you make this year’s festival of lights healthy, green & budget friendly? With these tips & tricks! Eco-nukkah Decor & Festivities * Make your own menorah – Get creative with the centerpiece of the holiday. Recycling and reusing every day...
12/1/2010 9:28:52 PM
It's tough to not want to indulge this time of year. All the dishes smell and taste so good and we wait all year to enjoy them. I'm all for special occasion dining and living it up a few times a year. However, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the season of overeating so why not try the best you can by not going off the deep end so early on? Your health is the most important gift so honoring your...
11/17/2010 1:55:39 PM
The holidays are upon us and with it comes stress in many forms. What to buy, who to visit, what not to eat, etc. Traveling is another biggie but this year, you can do it right. Check out some of these tips that you can use to keep healthy and sane this holiday travel season: * Eat before you leave the house!! You should always leave with a full tummy or you will be tempted to nosh on whatever is convenient....
11/10/2010 2:16:35 PM