Posts by Donald McGee

Most physician visits have more to do with information and consultation than actual treatment (e.g. prescriptions). What is now emerging are companies recruiting physicians to take information calls, presumably to back up a person's search on the internet with more professional advice. After all, people do trust physicians more than any other source.With ObamaCare and the tectonic shifts in health...
2/20/2015 8:00:00 AM
I read an article in recent news from Yale researchers Predict "Catastrophic" Ebola Epidemic in West Africa If Aid Delayed. (HealthDay). Now, we have an ER doc returned from an endemic area, after noble service, but in a New York Hospital with Ebola, his fiancé at high risk, and out in the public last 3 days not feeling well. Obviously, his self-monitoring quarantined plan failed. If the...
10/24/2014 7:00:00 AM
The first patient actually infected in the United States is a nurse out of Dallas caring for the FIRST victim to enter the United States. The CDC states that the nurse broke protocol, but specifically what protocol did she break? The people want to know; health professionals want to know. The CDC must publish this protocol lapse, so we all can be better informed. I mentioned in the preceding article...
10/13/2014 7:00:00 AM
Having been an Emergency Room physician for more years than I care to admit, I've been keeping a close eye on the Ebola news as many of you I'm sure. Ebola has now spread beyond Africa with the first USA case now in Texas and the exposed family is under close observation--no surprise. All viruses know “how to get around” and the Ebola virus-- probably from African Fruit Bats-- has infected humans...
10/1/2014 7:00:00 AM
FAST is an acronym for Face, Arm, Speech, and Time; warning signs of a TREATABLE stroke. Modern emergency departments are set up to administer TPA, a clot busting drug, that can resolve a Facial weakness, a paralyzed ARM, or loss of SPEECH-- if there is TIME. The time in most cases is just three hours, and it takes an hour to get the the emergency department and get an emergency CT scan to rule out...
11/16/2013 8:00:00 AM
Your next doctor visit could very well be online. If not this year, it won’t be long before your doctor will be available online to answer routine questions, discuss treatment options and even prescribe medications for common illnesses.Scheduling, driving, parking, walking, and waiting just to get a quick question answered or a needed prescription is terribly inefficient and costly to you and your...
9/19/2013 7:00:00 AM
In the not too recent past, physicians actually made house calls. And not too long ago by historical time, these calls were by horse and buggy to deliver babies, set fractures, and to attend to pain.Health care has gone forward in many ways since then, but, sadly, backwards in the way personal care is delivered. Now healthcare is with an insurance company in the way, 5 minute doctor visits, drugs poorly...
6/25/2013 7:00:00 AM
Attention: Chef Gunnar Thopmson of Elderberry House, Chateau du Sureau outside of Yosemite Park. (Could someone tell me how to pronounce this? ) Anyway, nice talk with Gunnar about healthy eating and food choices and the importance of dirt to kitchen time of raw or unprocessed vegetables and fruits. The diets that exemplify this concept are the Pan Asian and the Mediterranean Diets or PAM. Gunnar is...
12/11/2012 8:00:00 AM
Thanks to Kelly I just had a very peaceful massage involving hands and feet with eyes covered and soft music. I am not a Spa person per se, but a generous gift of a friend, who wishes anonymity, sent me to this European like, small resort just outside the Park. I must say Kelly's gentle hands sent a nice peaceful sense throughout the entire body. This triggered a memory of a well known physician friend...
11/24/2012 8:00:00 AM
Congratulations on a successful conference to the organizers, presenters, and participants of Healing Thy Practice Conference in Long Beach over the weekend of November 11th, 2012. These folks are Independent physicians looking to delivery real primary care in the form of counseling, medical nutrition, balance women's health, stress management, and various delivery models. As a physician, I am not...
11/12/2012 8:00:00 AM