Luis Arrondo, D.C.

Luis Arrondo, D.C.
Foundation of Health Chiropractic 1101 South Winchester Blvd Suite J-210 San Jose, CA 95128
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(41 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
4.5 star average for Staff
4.5 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value
Doctor Luis Arrondo helped me so much with my menstruation. When I had my first periods it was very painful that I would look as if I was sick, my back would hurt and I would have to bend over so much just to calm the pain and since I did not want to use pills I would get a water bottle and pour hot water in it to then put it over my pelvis to relive the pain which would only last for as long the hot water inside would stay warm. Which wasn’t much. This lasted until I turned 20 years old. Five months had passed until I finally met Doctor Luis Arrondo this year 2021. when I started on the organic pills that was given to me for my menstruation it was still painful but I noticed that each month the pain started to go away and I would bend over but it was now just by instinct and not because I was feeling strong pain it was really light pain and not so bothering anymore. With the way things are going I will soon not feel my period and it will be a surprise for me when I have my next period and soon for the rest of my life. I really have to give thanks for Doctor Luis Arrondo for a pleasant life ahead of me with no more pain when I have periods in the future.

El doctor Luis Arrondo me ayudó mucho con mi menstruación. Cuando tuve mis primeros períodos fue muy doloroso que me veía como si estuviera enferma, me dolía la espalda y tenía que agacharme tantas veces solo para calmar el dolor. Como no quería usar pastillas, lo que haría era coger una botella de agua y vaciar agua caliente en ella para luego ponerla sobre mi pelvis para aliviar el dolor que solo duraría mientras el agua caliente se mantuviera tibia. Que no era mucho. Esto duró hasta que cumplí 20 años. Habían pasado cinco meses hasta que finalmente conocí al Doctor Luis Arrondo este año 2021. Cuando comencé con las pastillas orgánicas que me dió para la menstruación todavía me dolía pero notaba que cada mes el dolor empezaba a desaparecer. Después me doblaba pero ahora era solo por instinto y no porque sintiera un dolor fuerte, era un dolor realmente leve y ya no era tan molesto. Con la forma en que van las cosas, pronto no sentiré mi período y será una sorpresa para mí cuando tenga mi próximo período y pronto por el resto de mi vida. Realmente tengo que agradecerle al Doctor Luis Arrondo por una vida placentera por delante, sin más dolores cuando tenga períodos en el futuro.
by Y. Botello
November 14, 2021
He is one of a Kind Dr. I really recommend him. I had a severe pain on my Ovaries and my regular Dr said that it needed to be removed but Dr. Arrondo did help me getting my Ovaries back to normal and I continue going to his clinic because he really help you getting your health at a 100% back to normal. Thank you Dr. Luis Arrondo and now all my family visits him for any issues they might have with their health
by Esme Rodriguez
July 19, 2019
I feel understanding and caring. He was very straight forward. I know this is not going to be easy and will take time, discipline and willingness of my side to get better. He can do as much as I allow him to do. Today was my first visit and I feel the connection with Dr Arrondo.
by Laura
May 07, 2019
Dr Arrondo has an extraordinary way to help you out with alternative medicine. I had a problem with my menstruation and my ovaries. My Gynecologist was going to remove them and she told me we needed an urgent surgery but after 4 visits with Dr. Luis it was incredible, the pain on my ovary disappeared and my menstruation started coming regularly month to month. Also, I got a cleanse for 21 days and I really feel great, the visit is worst the money.
by Esme
July 05, 2018
by Ross
February 21, 2018
I have been one of Dr. Arrondo's patients for seven years. I am 75 years old, take no prescription drugs, have excellent overall health, and make more informed food and health choices because of Dr. Arrondo's help and advice. His patient, informative approach with me is just what I needed!

He has adjusted my neck and back when necessary, manipulated and loosened some of my too-tight joints and ligaments, and given me sound exercise and stretching advice. He has led me to a life that is better than it otherwise would have been. I am very grateful that he is there for me!

His methods are all-inclusive – nutritional, physical, and analytical. He uses scientific laboratory analysis to determine the makeup of my urine, blood, and saliva. This helps him determine what to do to improve my health. These test results help him recommend which supplements will help correct my deficiencies and problems.

I recommend him to everyone! In addition to his professional skills and results-oriented approach, he is very pleasant and an excellent listener.
by wellnessjeepster
October 16, 2016
I came in for an appt with Dr. Arrondo while I was in town visiting a friend (she is a patient of his). He is an amazing chiropractor and I only wish I lived closer or could come visit more frequently for appointments. I have been seeing a chiropractor where I live for the past 10 years, but need to go back every week or 2 weeks to have the same adjustment done. It seems like the same issues keep creeping back in. When I saw Dr. Arrondo he explained how his adjustment would be different and that if I was being treated for the proper root cause of my issues, I shouldn't need to be seen that frequently. He adjusted me almost 4 weeks ago and I have not had those old pains come back. Additionally, he listened to me and I didn't feel like just another patient rushed thru my appointment. This visit was a revelation, I will make it a point to come see him while I am in town and am going to start searching for a new chiropractor near me with the same kind of background/style. My friend also sees him for nutrition and takes supplements he has recommended and her health has taken a very positive turn since. I would highly recommend making an appt and seeing for yourself.

by Heather
October 16, 2016
I have seen Dr. Arrondo for several years now. I have been dealing with back problems after having had surgery, and Irritable bowel sysdrome with diarhea. He has helped me immensely with both issues and without the use of extra drugs, just supplements. His calm and reassuring nature helped me get thru both issues. There was a time before I started seeing Dr. Arrondo that I thought I would always be dealing with these problems. He has helped my body heal and my symptoms disappear. Now feel great!
by Janis Trisko
October 15, 2016
I went to see Dr Arrondo, for chronic back pain as a result from a car accident. After a detailed examination, he found other things that were going on in my body and the reasons why as to the back pain and other disorders I was having. He put me on a clinical nutritional program to help with my symptoms. I was amazed on how quickly these NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS worked. I am now feeling energized, I can sleep, even my attitude has improved a lot. My life has made a 360 degree turn in a very positive and healthy way. Thanks to Dr Arrondo and his knowledge and experience.
October 11, 2016
I went to see Dr. Arrondo after pulling a muscle on a run. I was warmly greeted by two very friendly office assistants whom saw my appointment notes and immediately had me use a machine which uses electromagnetic frequency, light waves along with a soothing sound to help repair the injury. I then went into his office where he asked me many diagnostic questions, watched my muscle ability, then gave me one small adjustment and some supplements to help the body naturally repair itself. The very next day I was 75% better, and 2 days later 100%. Dr. Arrondo is very knowledgeable and refers to our bodies innate own ways of healing itself. His methods are gentle, but to the point- and EFFECTIVE. I will be going back!
by MJean
October 06, 2016
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