The Pet Vet On Patton Animal Hospital

The Pet Vet On Patton Animal Hospital
The Pet Vet On Patton Animal Hospital 2 Hansel Avenue Asheville, NC 28806
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Consumer Feedback

(3 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
3 star average for Environment
3 star average for Expertise
3.5 star average for Recommended
DEAD PET ALERT! DEAD PET ALERT! DEAD PET ALERT! DEAD PET ALERT! My experience with the Pet Vet on Patton has been HORRIBLE. My cat started coughing almost a year ago, and Dr. Lea Osborne ( 1 of only 2 owners) said TWICE I was overreacting and not to worry about it because it was hairballs. I’d even taken in videos of my cat in life-threatening duress, and she wouldn’t believe me that I felt it was Feline Asthma. Finally, my cat went into arrest and I rushed him in for injections and she agreed it was asthma. She never apologized – just saying asthma is hard to diagnose. She put him on large doses of prednisone and a bronchial dilator. He gained 3 pounds in 5 months and her response was that happens. That first appointment I practically begged her to put him on INHALED STEROIDS with NO side effects, and she refused saying that wasn’t done often and she rarely prescribed that because it was hard to administer. ( It is actually easy to administer) Finally, after another arrest, I took him in and she insisted on $180 worth of x-rays. They came back fine, as I told her they would. She prescribed Flovent, the medicine used for cat asthma, but at the INCORRECT DOSAGE (44 mcg) and when I called in to have her change it she said no, combine it with the prednisone (which is killing my cat, and in the appointment she said to stop giving it to him) and if I ever wanted to speak with her further, she wouldn’t talk to me on the phone, and I must make an appointment in person for any questions. She said if that is not something I wanted to do, let her know where to forward his files. ( SHE DOES THIS TO MANY, MANY PEOPLE IF YOU READ THE REVIEWS. IF YOU DISAGREE, OR DON’T AGREE WITH THEIR PRACTICES, YOU ARE TOLD TO COLLECT YOUR FILES AND FIND ANOTHER VET. THIS IS THEIR COMMON PRACTICE IF YOU DISAGREE IN ANY WAY, AND THERE IS NO RECOURSE). She has a full load of dogs, --- MAINLY DOGS --and losing one patient means nothing to her. I should mention the medicine cost $220 and she wanted to prescribe another medicine, cyclosporine, which is experimental and infrequently used – and that was $135. I told her she knew I was unemployed and on a VERY limited income, but she prescribed $450 worth of medications. When I said I couldn’t pay it, she said she would mark in my chart that I was refusing to follow doctor’s orders and her treatment plan. She said having a pet was a big expense, their care was expensive, and there was nothing she could do about that. I saw Dr. Osbourne last week. The vet technician grabbed my cat away from me – terrifying him. Dr. Osbourne was abrupt. She said she was too busy to write a treatment plan during my appointment time. She said she’d get back to me about it. She had the following day off. I waited 5 days… 5 days… for her to get back to me with a treatment plan. After my cat’s x-rays, he began limping. THEY INJURED HIM WHEN THEY TOOK HIM OUT OF THE ROOM! THEY WERE SO AGGRESSIVE with my kitty, even in the room with me. Again, you will find this other places in reviews. My cat is traumatized and won’t let me touch him. And he is limping and in pain. It’s his front legs. THIS PRACTICE IS FOR DOGS ONLY. AND IF YOU TAKE YOUR DOG IN FOR CARE OR DOGGY DAY CARE EXPECT HIM TO RETURN IN POOR CONDITION. A friend’s dog died at that overcrowded, unsupervised “daycare”. IF YOU ARE WEALTHY, THIS MAY BE A PRACTICE FOR YOUR DOG, BUT EXPECT MANY OVER CHARGES AND UNCALLED FOR VISITS. THEY HAVE A LARGE STAFF TO PAY, AND THEY CHARGE AT LEAST DOUBLE WHAT OTHER VETS IN THE AREA CHARGE. I have taken my files and moved to another vet. There is nothing I can do about my injured pet and my poor treatment, except to clearly warn others. ( About 8 years ago, ( Yes, I’ve been with this vet a LONG time ) I took in my last cat ( who died because of misdiagnoses ) to have him put to sleep, and they left me in a waiting area after he was injected, with dogs barking all around him as he died. That is the area where they euthanize pets with the owner present.)
by Tom S.
October 08, 2014
Was this provider argumentative or easily angered?
Not at all, they were one of the kindest, most attentive individuals I've ever met
Did this veterinarian answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Was this veterinarian friendly?
Was it easy to find parking at this veterinarian's office?
Yes, it was convenient
by Anonymous
June 26, 2013
Were you confident that your pet was safe in this veterinarian's care?
Absolutely! I knew I was being cared for by an expert!
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Absolutely, they always make me feel like I'm their only patient.
Did this provider seem up-to-date with the current advancements in their field?
Yes, they were informing me of new advancements that were extremely recent
by Anonymous
August 27, 2011
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