Eastside Pet Clinic

Eastside Pet Clinic
Eastside Pet Clinic 285 South Woodruff Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83401
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(1 Review)
I really used to think you guys were awesome. You saved our beautiful Taker and let us make payments on his care, which we are still paying on by the way. But now I consider you to be murderers!!!! I called a few weeks ago when the first kitten got sick and was informed that you would no longer be taking payments. Looking at your page I can see why..... you apparently think that dogs are the only pets that can feel love, so are the only pets worth your time and effort. As far as I am concerned you put the gun between our six little kitten's eyes and fired point blank. Though that would have been showing mercy instead of the pain and suffering they went through, because YOU ARE GREEDY, UNCARING, ARROGANT, JERKS. Oh you may have tried to do something for them if we had the money to pay you up front, but because we didn't have the ALMIGHTY GREEN DOLLAR - AND LOTS OF THEM FOR ALL THE TESTS YOU WOULD HAVE WANTED TO RUN ON BABIES THAT WERE SIX TO NINE WEEKS OLD, THEY DIDN'T MATTER.
Here you are boohooing over some dog story, like you care, when you flat out murdered our six little babies because we couldn't pay you up front. You say you are a full service small animal veterinary hospital with all the latest equipment and such, you just don't mention you won't use it to save the small animals unless you get paid an exhorbitant fee up front.
We spent thousands on Taker and would have done the same to save the youngest members of our family, and though we have been paying faithfully for nearly two years (with a couple months off, that were approved, by the way), it wasn't good enough for you to try to save our babies.
We have had several of our other kittens seen over there and referred many people to your clinic, telling them you are decent,caring, and kind. There will be no more referrals and I will be spreading the word just how you refused to treat our kittens and in so doing MURDERED THEM, SIX OF THEM SO FAR. I truly hope you are happy with yourselves, and proud that you murdered six innocent babies.
I'm sure you will delete this post as soon as you see it, as that is always the way it works with greedy, uncaring jerks. There will be enough people that do see it, they may not matter to you anymore than the innocent animals you murder, but if I post it to enough places, enough people will see it that you will feel it the only place that matters to you......YOUR WALLET!!!!!!!!
by Laura Ramos xxx.xxx.169.227
November 23, 2014
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