Franzoni Edward Ph D

Franzoni Edward Ph D
Franzoni Edward Ph D 1530 State Hwy No 88 Brick, NJ 08724
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(1 Review)
Save time and money and do not utilize this doctors services. His recommendations were so poor, they were completely ignored by all parties involved. Dr Fanzoni only details partial information in his written documents so he can avoid liability. Specifically, he lists that my child lives part time in a home with a step brother who bit her once. He makes it sound like a 2 year old lives there...when in fact...that kid is in 6th grade.

Franzoni purposely fails to mention that kid is in 6th grade, and older that my daughter. And the bite was on my daughters back so she was in a non confrontational position. He also saw photos of the bite. He also purposely failed to mention that this kid also gave a 2 year old a concussion. Franzoni also did not mention that this kid soils himself regularly, even in school, as a mainstreamed 6th grader. And Franzoni did not mention that this kid was pulled from school for 2 months due to behavior.

I called the APA to file an ethics complaint and they said he is not a member so no complaint can be filed.

Dr franzoni is putting a child in danger, and failing to list all the details so he will not be liable if something happens at the hands (or teeth) of this documented aggressive child towards my daughter.

Not being a member of the APA and not enclosing known details of aggression keep him off the radar. Be very careful! Dr Franzoni is only out to protect the expense of defenseless children.
by OwlEyes
December 16, 2016
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