Troncoso - Orjuela- Ms. Jeanette H.- LMFT

Troncoso - Orjuela- Ms. Jeanette H.- LMFT
Troncoso - Orjuela- Ms. Jeanette H.- LMFT 20971 East Smoky Hill Road # 106 Centennial, CO 80015
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(1 Review)
In 3 hours of marriage counseling she devastated our marriage!

What good counselor tells you 20 min. into just meeting you that "I tell all my clients this, there may be differences you cant overcome, are you prepared for divorce?" Then turns one against the other with fuel for an already burning fire, "why aren't you emotionally invested" still 20 min in the 1st meeting! Then ends that same session with "HUH you 2 may not make it, I mean you really have issues. This will take 3-5 years if that with weekly session to TRY to help you 2. Are you prepared and can you afford that?"

Then in session 2 says "Yes I validate you that He is not invested! " "And do you know what ADHD is? I think you have it"

Then the 3rd session, "let ME tell you what you thought and felt in that situation Kimberly" !!!!

4th session husband goes alone, I cant take her she's ruining my life! He goes alone to tell her then they decide lets work on him alone. Then I see a book about Narcissistic mothers in my amazon account. Jeanette has labeled his mother now, and she's not a narcissistic.

5th visit He's codependent and He's too unhealthy to stay in a relationship and this is about his individual therapy! Forget about the child he's raising and a father to! He needs to take care of himself and create distance.

3 labels and the worst of all the codependent issue that is causing my husband to refuse to contact all of us he has completely alienating his family and daughter and its Jeanette's power of INFLUENCE that is the cause!

My loving, confident, strong husband is so weak in spirit and broken. After a argument that he instigated, let me think he was going to stay home and we could talk later, to come home and find he moved suddenly! Im told she is telling him all these things to keep him away and he tells me all the things I listed below I found on BAD THERAPY google.

She was NEVER sympathetic to our situation, or cared about our family. Instead, they made it completely obvious that they didn't care about me or what I had been through.

I would never visit them again. When I told her of my feedback she said "Im sorry its hard to understand a counselors view of a couple, I hope you can find help with your pain and loss"

I have filed a report and investigation is in process. My employer and insurance company are also in process of the complaint. I pray to GOD he deals with this wicked woman rightfully.

If you want to keep your marriage together DO NOT USE THIS WOMAN! She doesn't care about covenant of marriage, she treats is as a contract.

Google bad therapy; this is what she does to you:
You should begin to feel more empowered, more confident and more able to handle distressing situations. A good therapist/counselor helps you find your strengths. They feed your resilience and focus on your core strengths that will help you overcome difficulties. If a therapist/counselor is constantly picking at your wounds and leading you down a rabbit hole of eternal analysis to the point where you feel like you can't function in life because you need an analytical fix, there is danger. You may even be suffering some re-traumatization. If so, get out and seek new help.

POINT - with a married couple they should work towards resolution of the issue as a FAMILY UNIT. Defuse a situation with positive reinforcement.
Its not helping telling people you know nothing about in 20 minutes they cant make it, and spend 3-5 years once a week with me to hopefully get to a healing if they are lucky.

#2 Your Social Interactions and Relationships Should Improve

Have you begun to cut off friends and relationships to the point where your therapist/counselor is your only main confidant in life? If so, there might be a problem. It can be normal to have a shift in relationships over the course of therapy. Perhaps you've been hanging around people that have drained you or you discovered that all your relationships are generally one-way relationships. In these cases, it's typical to have a friend or group shift. Old ones fade and new, healthier relationships enter your life. That's a sign of progress and growth. However, there's a serious problem if all of your relationships have ended and your therapist/counselor is the only fulfilling relationship in your life. Having a healthy social group in our lives is one of the main ingredients for living a longer and healthier life, so a good therapist/counselor helps you cultivate this critical part of your life.

While not driving you from your marriage and responsibility as a husband and father.

#4 Your Therapist/Counselor Focuses on the Positive

One of the hallmarks of resilience and cognitive adaptation is the ability to see the world with the glass half full. There is a ton of research that supports this and why therapy/counseling works because it helps adjust unhealthy ways of seeing the world (from parental and societal introjects to irrational fears). If a therapist/counselor, however, perpetuates the negative beliefs and ways of processing information-you're not healing. You could even get worse. Therefore, check out how the therapist/counselor re-frames what you tell them. If they constantly point out the negatives with no positive points of view, RUN!

The point is, when you leave feeling worse than better and you hear nothing positive it creates division. This is why Jeanette is under investigation. NEVER USE HER! she will make you all feel worthless and never empower you and your family, she breaks you so you have to go to her for years.

"The second noteworthy feature of Marsha and Paul's case is the strong individualistic and anti-commitment orientation of the therapist. Like most psychotherapists, she viewed only the individual as her client. She had no responsibilities beyond promoting this individual's immediate needs and agenda, no obligations to other stakeholders in the client's life. No doubt the therapist also viewed herself as "neutral" on the issue of marital commitment. But, as I pointed out in my book Soul Searching: Why Psychotherapy Must Promote Moral Responsibility, claiming neutrality on commitment and other moral issues in American society" means that the therapist likely embraces the reigning ethic of individual self-interest. There is nothing neutral about asking a newly married, depressed woman "Are you happy in your marriage?" and urging her to trust her frightened and confused feelings. No self-respecting therapist would urge a suicidal patient to "trust your feelings about how worthless you life is," but many well-regarded therapists play cheerleader for a divorce even when the couple has not yet made a serious effort to understand their problems and restore the health of their marriage. Therapist-assisted marital "suicide" has become part of the standard paradigm of contemporary psychotherapy."

My critique focuses on the practice of therapists, many of whom lack good skills in helping couples, who philosophically view marriage as a venue for personal fulfillment stripped of ethical obligation and divorce as a strictly private, self-interested choice with no important stakeholders other than the individual adult client.
by Kimberly Williams
January 14, 2013
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