Friendship Village of West County

Friendship Village of West County
Friendship Village of West County 15201 Olive Blvd Chesterfield, MO 63017
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(1 Review)

The residents care about the staff and each Other, but, there is so much management under so much pressure from corporate investors, that the staff who take the time to care about residents are fired or quit.

The residents' appreciation for staff is not allowed to be expressed. In short, this place is ending up with a bunch of chumps working there.

The management hand out lists of residents' names, medical conditions and room #s, to be memorized by staff, to make it sEEm as if the staff care about the residents as prospective new residents and their families pass in the halls while on tour with sales persons.

It does smell like pee.

The kitchen & wait staff do discriminate with regard to which resident$ get which quality of food.

The electric wiring was done by monkeys in 1979. It is constantly shorting out.

The whole place is below the water table. When, their sump pump stops or gets clogged it smells like poop and willl begin to flood with poop.

They're building a $58 million property in South Saint Louis, but still use a virtually-unserviceaqble 1970s trash compaction unit, which often breaks down, leaving enormous piles of trash in the already too small parking lot.

Enormous piles of trash (south parking lot) are occasionally visible from residents' units.

by Cosmic, Bee
February 03, 2014
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