Ergas Ralph DMD

Ergas Ralph DMD
Ergas Ralph DMD 700 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820
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1 Visit to this dentist was more than enough. The receptionist wasn t friendly at all when I arrived in their office but I overlooked it as she s not the one working on my daughter s teeth. My daughter is only 2 years old and this was her 2nd dentist visit and we were referred by another dentist. She has asthma and nebulizer use caused some issues with her front teeth. (Helpful hint that my doctor never told me, rinse a child s mouth out after using a nebulizer!) I brush my child s teeth daily and limit snacks and juices with sugar but he proceeded to speak to me as if her dental issues were my fault. I have 4 children who all have the same diet and habits 3 of them have perfect teeth, my youngest is the only one on breathing treatments. No matter what even if issues are related to a parent not knowing certain foods cause tooth decay I feel the dentist should educate, not beat up a parent who may not know all of the information.

Most pediatric dentists I have seen talk to the child to make them feel at ease and show them the tools and such but not this one! This big man she s never seen before just starts poking around in her mouth and she was scared. He then told me the 4 teeth could not be saved which was really upsetting to me but he had no bedside manner whatsoever. Just they can t be saved period. I had a lot of questions after the exam and they didn t seem to want to take the time to talk with me about them. They just gave me the cost of the procedure and said she would need codeine prior and showed me what looks like a toddler straight jacket that she would be placed in on the day of the procedure. Overall he was very cold, impatient, and uncaring. The following day I called my regular dentist and got a referral to another dentist. When I called Dr Posada s office the receptionist s friendly tone put me immediately at ease and she told me that there are options and after the consult we could choose together a treatment plan. Needless to say Dr. Ergas won t come anywhere near my child s mouth again! A parent needs to feel comfortable with any provider that will be working on their child, don t ever go along with something that makes you feel uneasy get a second opinion and a dentist that won t scar your child for life.
by Lorin
March 27, 2014
My daughter was going to him for her first filling and second visit to a dentist ever. She was very nervous when she got there but I figured the reassurance and nurturing professional that children doctors are, that she would feel better once she got in the room. They deal with kids everyday they know how they work, or so i thought.
There were two Dental Assistants that she saw first and they were great. They helped her to feel more relaxed about the situation. They had told me that the kids do better when the parents stand outside and look through the window in the hallway I thought that was the best idea, Then Ralph Ergas came in and my daughter was nervous and covered her mouth, his patience was obviously at a minimum this day and proceeded to flat out tell my daughter: "You can do it my way or you'll go to the hospital." Its not what he said, it was how he said it, very aggravated and frankly had the attitude of : "I'm not dealing with this today" but I just watched through the window and just let it go. I noticed that the Dental Assistant doing the work was being trained and the 'regular' Dental Assistant from time to time would go behind her and fix whatever it was. This I did not like b/c I was never informed that my daughter would be having a trainee doing it and it did make me very uneasy.
There were moments where the procedure would go on pause b/c something needed a minute or two to set in so during one of those times the regular Dental Assisant walked by me and I explained to her, "I have nothing against her but it makes me very uncomfortable with somebody training on my daughter, so if there is another moment where its possible to switch, could you please?" She was very comforting and completely understood. The next thing i heard was Ergas say, "What are you doing.......WHY?.....uh, MOTHER CAN YOU COME OVER HERE?" So i came to the door and he absolutely flipped a lid. He was very hateful and proceeded to tell me that "She has a licence to do this and this is MY office and this is how i do things here. My employees need to learn this and if you are going to try to dictate the situation you can go elsewhere b/c SHE IS going to be doing this!" I had no words, I was completely shocked at what had just happened i didnt know what to say. I had to explain myself, I couldnt understand what caused that. "Maybe some of your customers, they might not mind their kids used to be trained on, but it really does bother me." WOW. I just couldnt believe a "professional" would talk to a customer like this. Then he told me that If I didnt like it that i could go elsewhere. What do you do in a situation like that?

My husband and mother was waiting in the wait-room for us. I could feel myself starting to break so I went to talk to them and I just broke down. I told them what had just happened and a few minutes passed and a woman called for us. We went into Ergas' office and he was a complete blow-hard and was actually yelling so loud that people in the waiting room heard. "NEVER IN 22 YEARS OF DOING THIS HAS SOMEONE QUESTIONED MY CARE ON A PATIENT!!! I WORK MY BUTT OFF IN THERE!!!" Continuing to accuse me of trying to dictate the situation, and then told me that i wasn't even supposed to be there, which is absurd. He said in all the years of dentistry that he had never run into this kind of problem and then stormed out. I don't believe that, a loose cannon like that, there was no "problem" i was polite there was no need of that. That was NOT NORMAL. He should not be working with kids, his demeanor is severely harsh not to just kids, but to everyone including his crew. Dont just take my word for it, do your own research on him. HE IS AWFUL!! DO YOURSELF AND YOUR CHILD A FAVOR AND DONT GO TO HIM!!
by shary0n
September 01, 2008
hmm.. is this the same guy that works in Dover NH? same name thats funny.
Well this guy was yelling at some people in his office and from the waiting room
I overheard. when the people came out of the office I couldnt help but to hear one
of them crying! They asked him not to have the Nurse in training fixing the kids
teeth and for him to do it then he went nuts.
Very unprofessional if you ask me he even told them to never come back! lol
by overtimeoo
July 29, 2008
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