Tagged as swimmers

Ranked as the second-leading activity in terms of growth in the U.S., swimming is one of the top activities that people record in their activity tracker indexes, says -The Spruce. Why is swimming so popular? It’s one of the best exercises you can do — -and- it’s fun! - Swimming is one of the best exercises you can do to get in shape. Not only does it burn an insane amount of calories, but swimming...
March 2, 2020
There’s a club with a primary focus of helping adults of all ages to get fit, stay fit, and age gracefully. With both fitness, friendly competition, and companionship at its center, many swear by this club as their favorite place to spend time. It's for adult swimmers of all ability levels, and it can turn fitness into a regular social event. Interested in getting involved? Here’s everything you need...
February 4, 2020