Tagged as Starches

Alzheimer's disease is the -most common form of dementia. While a single direct cause is still not entirely known, there are some things scientists are learning that may aid in the prevention. Sugary snacks, starchy foods and processed meats aren’t the healthiest options. But could these foods also increase your Alzheimer's risk? - The Apparent Sugar and Alzheimer's Link - Consuming too much sugar...
July 13, 2020
Several years ago, I traveled through Italy, a country impossible to visit without at least sampling pasta. While I enjoyed a few small dishes throughout my trip, I adamantly took starch blockers before those meals. Italian pasta tends to be lower in gluten and other junky ingredients compared with American pasta. Even so, when I came back and hopped on the scales, I had -lost- one pound. I was sold...
July 2, 2015