Tagged as Sleep Disorders

Poor sleep quality can affect more than work performance the ability to safely maneuver a car. A lack of good, restful sleep could also interfere with intimate relationships. In fact, it can wreak havoc on that relationship. We've got to learn how to improve our sleep routines so we're less likely to start an argument, more likely to stay in shape, less likely to hold a grudge, and even more likely...
February 5, 2020
Chronic sleep deprivation, getting insufficient sleep for an extended period of time, has been associated with a slew of -health issues-, ranging from cardiovascular disease to metabolic syndrome. If that’s not bad enough, some chronic conditions can turn poor sleep quality into a deadly threat. Are you at risk? - Sleep deprivation can take a toll on the body. For those who are healthy, it can increase...
January 7, 2020
The FDA recently required the addition of a- box warning- to some popular sleep medications after adverse effects lead to reported deaths. The medications, most commonly found in Ambien, Lunesta and Sonata, have led to reports of bizarre behaviors in the past, but the extent of their related dangers is only now coming to light. Sleeping medications such as Ambien, Lunesta and Sonata have been known...
June 11, 2019
It’s more than a myth that the ability to sleep long and deep decreases with age. Our get up-and-go seems to have gone. Yet, sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. Indeed, sleep is food for the brain and we need it in order to be fully alert, dynamic and at our A-game all day long. The biggest sleep thief in middle age is stress. Whatever we can do to reduce tension in our lives will enable us to sleep...
April 19, 2016
Sleep might be the most undervalued aspect of weight loss. When I called getting seven to nine hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep -my big needle mover- for fast, lasting fat loss, I wasn't kidding. Manufacturers understand our epidemic sleep struggle. That’s why any drugstore or health-minded grocery offers a wide array of natural sleep aids. How do you choose the best one? Based on research coupled...
July 12, 2015
Want to know my big needle mover for fast, lasting fat loss? It has nothing - and -everything - to do with the foods you eat and exercise you do. The best thing you can do to stay lean and healthy involves a good night's sleep. I'm talking quantity -and- quality here. If you sleep eight hours, but wake up three times during the night to go to the bathroom, you're not getting high-quality sleep, and...
April 13, 2015
Getting a regular good night's sleep is one of the most important things you need to do to be healthy. What are the - Natural Sleep Alternatives to Sleeping Pills - ? Read on... Lack of regular, deep, restful sleep leads to irritability, depression, obesity, heart disease, lower mental acuity, poor sex drive, a host of immune system issues, a reduced sense of joy and it makes you generally feel like...
February 25, 2015
Great weekend. Uh oh. It's Monday! - Late nights, too little sleep, indulging in too much good stuff (not all of it healthy), and maybe, just maybe getting a little over-served? You can make a few simple changes to avoid the dreaded brain fog and keep your life and work on-track. Although it helps, you don't have to give up your weekend fun or become a party pooper to cut the brain fog. Sure you could...
February 21, 2015
Wellness Tip:- Are you still tired after a full night's sleep? Do you suffer from fatigue or excessive daytime drowsiness no matter how early you go to bed? The problem may be in your lights, not your rest. Bright lights suppress the production of melatonin, a critical hormone for sleep, and they also reset your suprachiasmatic nucleus (CLN). This means that flashing phones or blinking laptops can...
November 4, 2014
Many of us are concerned that our inability to get a good 8 hours of sleep each night may have an adverse effect on our health. Research shows that sleeping 8 hours or more (or 6 hours or less) per night can actually increase your mortality risk. Time Magazine reported results of a study by Daniel Kripke, a sleep psychologist in California, that found that people who get 6 to 7 hours of sleep live...
November 4, 2014