Tagged as religion

When it comes to health and wellbeing, most of us strive to be in a stable place. But this effort can fall into the trap of denial or spiritual bypassing as we try to avoid discomfort, reality and troubling truths. What does that -mean-, exactly? Spiritual bypassing is the tendency to use spirituality to avoid facing psychological issues. Here's how to identify the signs and resolve the issue. Signs...
February 17, 2021
Near-death experiences are relatively uncommon. In fact, they’re so infrequent that the International Association of Near Death Studies, Inc. (IANDS) considers a near-death experience (NDE) to be a rare occurrence, happening only -774 times per day- in the US. But that doesn't stop people from wondering what they're like. Near-Death Experiences and Research - NDEs have some similarities among them,...
July 13, 2020