Tagged as Pain

Get to Know the Tylenol Toxicity Warning Signs. Breathing Difficulty, Swelling or Rash, Grey Color Stool, or Yellowing Skin are ALL signs of Tylenol/Acetaminophen toxicity and potential liver failure. Even non-drinkers are at risk. By now you have probably heard that Tylenol (or, more specifically, acetaminophen) can damage the liver. In most cases, damage to the liver is thought to occur because of...
March 9, 2024
Our sense of smell is simply amazing - and it's easy to take that for granted. Believe it or not, the nose has a lot of power over the rest of the body. Aromatherapy might seem like a strange approach to treating so many physical ailments, but there could be more to it than we think. We’ve found some uses worth checking out... Aromatherapy uses essential oils from over 40 different medicinal plants....
October 15, 2023
INTRODUCTION - Pain is usually an indication that something is wrong in the body.  Think of it as a warning signal which needs to be addressed. While the root cause of said pain isn’t necessarily something that needs an immediate or drastic solution, it’s often impossible to say whether even mild pain is either nothing to worry about or something that could potentially be fatal. In other words, many...
July 10, 2022
Is someone you love down in the dumps due to extreme pain? Painful medical ailments are not always easy to avoid, but some of them are treatable. Here are some treatment options to help find relief from some of the worst of them, specifically kidney stones, migraines, fibromyalgia, sciatica and gout. Kidney Stones - The first symptom of - kidney stones - is often extreme pain in the back and sides,...
June 6, 2022
Nearly 80% of U.S. adults -suffer from foot pain-, yet only 1 in 3 adults seek medical attention for their ailments. Fortunately, there is an alternative, even for those hesitant to try prescription drugs. Whether the pain is due to arthritis, blisters or another podiatric ailment, CBD products might be just the thing for many of them. For some people, this extract mimics the performance of prescription-strength...
March 30, 2022
Pain is a normal part of life. It lets us know when we’re in danger of harming ourselves, and it warns us when something is going wrong in our bodies. Researchers are studying a rare genetic mutation that has left one woman virtually incapable of perceiving pain, and it may hold the key to the future in pain management. Researchers in England are studying a Scottish woman who has a set of rare genetic...
November 28, 2021
According to the -National Library of Medicine-, 80% of people will experience back pain at least once during their lifetime. And for far too many sufferers, that pain is chronic. If you've ever suffered back pain then you know how miserable it is. Our backs are connected to everything! And too often it feels like we can't move. Back ha a way of draining us of motivation to do much of anything. The...
August 6, 2020
You love running, but you know that it can take a toll on your body.  Of course, your legs and feet are the most common areas for pain, but the knee joint is often injured with long-term training. Whether you are a marathoner or a sprinter, if the knee joint doesn’t work properly, you can’t run as effectively as you like. It helps to understand the basic anatomy of the knee, how it cushions the blow...
May 18, 2015
Acupuncture is an alternative medical treatment practiced by the Chinese for 2,000 years. Fine needles inserted into a person's skin at specific points are said to affect the meridians, or channels of energy, in the body in order to block pain or eliminate anxiety. After Westerners witnessed Chinese surgeons perform operations using acupuncture in lieu of anesthesia in the 1970s, the method became...
November 18, 2014