Tagged as Minerals

Silicon is atomic number 14 on the periodic table. It is a metallic-like substance and is the second most abundant element on earth after oxygen. Are you getting enough of it, though? You should, because it plays an active role in the prevention of atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries), insomnia, cholesterol , dementia and more... Health Benefits of Silicon - A 12-week study was...
January 10, 2023
Easy circumstances - Canned vegetables and frozen vegetables are both very convenient, but are you compromising nutrition when you use them? Fresh is always best, but buying vegetables stored in the freezer or on the shelf can be a time saver, and it's certainly better than NOT eating vegetables at all. Washing, dicing and preparing your veggies is not as quick as if you use the canned or frozen versions. Vegetables...
February 5, 2020
Which chemicals your inner pharmacy produces, as well as the quantity of those chemicals, is highly influenced by the raw materials available in your body. In other words, the building blocks that you provide to your inner pharmacy through your diet and nutritional supplements greatly determines what chemicals can be created within your body that govern your physical and mental state. Want to produce...
October 5, 2007