Tagged as Laughter

In a harsh world that, if you read the news, can seem devoid of humanity at times, negativity can drive us to think in gloomy patterns and expect the worst. These negative thoughts can fuel stress, anger and depression — and even push some to extreme action. It can also get in the way of developing or maintaining good relationships and mute feelings of- hope for the future- that we may otherwise have....
October 3, 2023
Today’s world is stressful, hurried, and days flash by leaving us winded, tired, stressed and humorless.  44% of people in the US frequently feel stressed. Four in ten people say they lack the time to do all they want. According to -news.gallup.com,- 75% of all of our doctor visits are stress-related. How did we get here? Let’s be real! We may always be here. But I wonder if we can be here while feeling...
May 5, 2020
Wellness Tip:- Cardiologists from the University of Maryland Medical Center believe that -laughter helps your heart. Laughter helps increase blood flow, lower stress hormones and improve our immune system. Stress and inflammation in and around our inner blood vessels (endothelium) can lead to heart attacks and strokes. But when we laugh our body releases beta-endorphins; this causes our inner blood...
May 15, 2019
Ok, so maybe it’s not the best medicine—but it’s up there. The health benefits of a good, deep belly laugh can’t be ignored, so we won’t. We’ll look at them up close so you can see why laughing should be a normal part of your everyday life. The fascinating thing about laughter is that it seems to be the opposite of stress, which causes all manner of health problems because of its reputation for suppressing...
August 4, 2015