Tagged as Children

ThereĀ are no parent manuals that come with all the answers. The first rule that you learn as a good parent is to RELAX! Rest assured that whatever problem that your child is encountering, IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! - The problem may be new to you and new to your child but the situation is not unknown to mankind. Please understand that in your attempts to do your best as a parent, things will arise....
March 27, 2015
The blogosphere has buzzed lately with the voices of parents who are appalled and sometimes outraged at the idea of the schools sending home notices regarding their children's weight. Here's part of a recent posting from MotherTalkers: "At least a dozen states have passed legislation requiring schools to start sending reports home if a child's Body Mass Index (itself a controversial health-o-meter)...
November 2, 2007
Once again I bring you something based on a personal experience and as has happened so many times before, some lessons learned while playing with my children. Not that long ago I took my kids to a local playground that had recently been re-built. Not surprisingly, the "new" playground looked very nice and colourful and as a result, was quite attractive on the eye. My children happily sauntered in to...
October 20, 2007
So much of what comes across my computer - in the way of Google and New York Times alerts, and even e-mails from distraught parents and teachers - is bad news. Or disturbing, discouraging, or all of the above. I read that recess and physical education are being cut. That children are overweight, obese, and suffering from symptoms formerly seen in adults only. That French fries are the number-one vegetable...
October 11, 2007
I came across an article yesterday that just begged to be commented on. The piece was titled "Personal Trainers for Kids on the Increase: Kids Working with Fitness Experts Hone Skills, Lose Weight, Get Healthy." Anyone familiar with my work knows I'm all in favor of fitness for kids. In fact, it's one of my crusades. But this story worried me. With the children's obesity crisis raging (and it truly...
September 20, 2007