Tagged as American Cancer Society

Researchers have seen an unsettling new trend: Colon cancer is striking people at younger ages. As a result, the American Cancer Society recently updated its guidelines for colon and rectal cancer prevention, now advising that -all people begin routine screening at 45-, as reported by CNN. Previous guidelines recommended that people begin screening at 50. Deadly Trend - Colon and rectal cancers are...
November 22, 2021
The American Cancer Society released some great news: U.S. cancer deaths have dropped by 27% over the last 25 years. Medical advancements and lifestyle factors (like reduced populations of smokers) have made the biggest impact. Poorer populations that can’t afford good healthcare are still about 20% more likely to die from cancer. Declining Cancer Death Rates - In an article published in - CA: A Cancer...
January 23, 2019
Introduction - When it comes to breast cancer, the worst thing we can do is put 100% blind faith in the medical establishment.  To be blunt, there is simply too much money and too many jobs hanging on the highly profitable - BUSINESS - of diagnosing and treating breast cancer. The profits (and job security) are so high, in fact, as to explain why it seems as if there is more an impetus to treat breast...
October 13, 2018