A to Z Assisted Living Care

A to Z Assisted Living Care
A to Z Assisted Living Care 17601 N 6th Pl Phoenix, AZ 85022

A to Z Assisted Living Care

A to Z Assisted Living Care is located near the Loop 101 freeway. We are licensed for 5 residents by the Arizona Department of Health Care. Having this small number of residents let’s us provide a home-like atmosphere for your loved ones, as if they were our own. Our mission is to give our residents a sense of independence and dignity in a home setting. The home has a very open and airy atmosphere with large windows and a pleasant garden type back yard and patio area. We are a family owned and run business which means, the manages is always on the premises. Our care home provides everyday 24/7 assistance, home-cooked meals, and fun daily activities in a family atmosphere. We encourage residents to bring their own pictures and furniture to provide a personal touch and make their surroundings more familiar and pleasant.

We would like to invite you to come and visit us before choosing a facility.
Primary Specialty

Retirement Communities

Services A to Z Assisted Living Care is listed as a retirement community in Phoenix, AZ.

Contact A to Z Assisted Living Care to discuss your retirement living needs in the Phoenix, AZ area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 17601 N 6th Pl, Phoenix, AZ 85022.
Additional Services Nurses on Staff, Complimentary Transportation, No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors, No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors, Wheelchair Accessible Showers, Hospice Available, Doctor on Call, Pets Allowed