Fletcher Farms Assisted Living

Fletcher Farms Assisted Living
Fletcher Farms Assisted Living 7753 W Lone Cactus Dr Peoria, AZ 85382

Fletcher Farms Assisted Living

No one likes to think about growing older, but if all residential care facilities looked like Fletcher Farms Assisted Living, located on West Lone Cactus Drive in Peoria, Arizona, some might change their minds. From the outside, this facility looks like just another house, but inside you'll find ten beds and a number of caring and friendly workers. Fletcher Farms Assisted Living prides itself on keeping a number of workers on-site to handle the needs of its residents. We know that a lot of other assisted living facilities only use orderlies and health aides, but we have more qualified workers standing by. We maintain a 24-hour rotating group of workers, which lets us meet the needs of our residents. Different types of nurses are always on-site, and we have several doctors standing by the phone. Whether a resident suffers from a simple scrape or a life-threatening condition, help is either on-site or just a phone call away. We also keep other workers on-site to help with the daily needs of residents. A physical therapist can handle issues relating to mobility, while our occupational therapist will help residents recover after an injury, and we even have a regular speech therapist. Our residents here at Fletcher Farms Assisted Living love our visiting workers too. They can talk to a doctor, get a hair cut or even enjoy a manicure without leaving their rooms! With regular activities on-site and off-site, we'll even help your loved ones forget about the aging process and start enjoying life again.
Primary Specialty

Retirement Communities

Services Fletcher Farms Assisted Living is listed as a retirement community in Peoria, AZ.

Contact Fletcher Farms Assisted Living to discuss your retirement living needs in the Peoria, AZ area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 7753 W Lone Cactus Dr, Peoria, AZ 85382.