Silverado Aspen Park

Silverado Aspen Park
Silverado Aspen Park 1430 E 4500 S Salt Lake City, UT 84117

Silverado Aspen Park

The skilled, compassionate memory care professionals at Silverado are dedicated to providing residents with the dignity and care they deserve while they enjoy the community’s warm atmosphere. Comfortable surroundings and engagement activities designed with the needs of memory-impaired individuals in mind help ensure the goal of enriching the lives of both residents and their families.
Primary Specialty

Nursing Home

Services Silverado Aspen Park provides extended-stay nursing care to seniors with varying levels of disabilities in Salt Lake City, UT.

Please call Silverado Aspen Park at for more information or to schedule an on-site visit.
Additional Services Respite Available, Minimum Age of Accepted Residents, Activities Onsite, Devotional Services Available, Indoor Common Areas, Meals Provided, Aging in Place, Nurses on Staff, Podiatrist Available, Physical Therapy Available, Occupational Therapy Available, Speech Therapy Available, Complimentary Transportation, Activities Offsite, Outdoor Common Areas, Beauty & Barber Services, Wheelchair Accessible Showers, Hospice Available, Resident Parking Available, Male Residents Accepted, Female Residents Only, Dentist Available, Pets Allowed