Sunshine Health Place

Sunshine Health Place
Sunshine Health Place 1558 Norman Ave Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Sunshine Health Place

Sunshine Health Care, located in Thousand Oaks, California, less than one hundred miles from Los Angeles, is an assisted living facility. Only about twenty miles from Malibu and the Pacific Ocean, it's conveniently located right on Highway 101. Families can relax knowing their beloved senior, still independent but no longer able to live alone, will get the small amount of care they require in a comfortable living arrangement. We pride ourselves on the care provided by our staff. Caregivers are available twenty four hours a day, every day of the year in order to assist elderly residents with bathing, dressing, managing their medications and traveling to doctors appointments and other activities. Our facility offers private rooms and apartment-style units which residents can furnish and decorate with items from home as he or she wishes. In this way, each room has it's own personal touch. We pride ourselves on helping our elderly clients feel at home and remain independent. Sunshine has a terrific gym, a theater and a library on the premises for residents use. There is also a serene garden and beautiful yard for reflection and relaxation or to spend time with visitors. Residence can also sit on our lovely patio to enjoy looking at the gardens. We have a thoughtful daily activities program. All our activities are tailored to the residents' interests. There are accommodations for different religious services. Additionally, there often are guest speakers from different religious groups to address the residents. Residents regularly have the option to participate on outings to museums, the movies, theater, shopping trips, sports and concerts. Sunshine Health Place is the perfect assisted living facility for seniors who are still thriving but need assistance. There's no safer or more suitable place for the senior in your life to spend their later years.
Primary Specialty

Retirement Communities

Services Sunshine Health Place is listed as a retirement community in Thousand Oaks, CA.

Contact Sunshine Health Place to discuss your retirement living needs in the Thousand Oaks, CA area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 1558 Norman Ave, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360.
Additional Services Respite Available, Nurse on Call, Activities Onsite, Indoor Common Areas, Meals Provided, Nurses on Staff, Podiatrist Available, Physical Therapy Available, Occupational Therapy Available, Speech Therapy Available, Complimentary Transportation, Activities Offsite, Outdoor Common Areas, No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors, No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors, Wheelchair Accessible Showers, Hospice Available, Resident Parking Available, Male Residents Accepted, Female Residents Only, Doctor on Call, Dentist Available, Pets Allowed