Blue Care Assisted Living

Blue Care Assisted Living
Blue Care Assisted Living 18960 Stansbury St Detroit, MI 48235

Blue Care Assisted Living

Residents from Detroit will be interested in reading about whether they can get support for elders through the Blue Care Assisted Living facility. There are a number of senior citizens who may need to think about whether they can find the right center for their needs. At this independent living facility, we pride ourselves on the support that we can provide to your elderly relatives. Our team is committed to making sure that our residents simply enjoy their stay while they are here. Quite a few residents will be relieved to know that they will get comprehensive medical services by the staff here. Some of them will be interested in knowing that there is an entire staff of trained nurses on site. They will talk to senior citizens about the health care needs and if they are feeling comfortable. These nurses can also help provide routine medical procedures throughout the day. You may also be glad to know that the center features doctors on call here. They will be able to attend to seniors who may have any types of medical emergencies. Think about whether your seniors may need to get additional levels of support while they live at this center. They can have their medication schedules managed by a team of nursing aides. This can be vital to many seniors who may not be able to remember some of their complicated medication tables. They can also be provided with transportation services, in case they need to head off site for any testing procedures.
Primary Specialty

Retirement Communities

Services Blue Care Assisted Living is listed as a retirement community in Detroit, MI.

Contact Blue Care Assisted Living to discuss your retirement living needs in the Detroit, MI area at or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 18960 Stansbury St, Detroit, MI 48235.