Peterson Assisted Living

Peterson Assisted Living
Peterson Assisted Living 1622 Silver St Jacksonville, FL 32206

Peterson Assisted Living

Peterson Assisted Living is a retirement home located in beautiful Osage City, KS. This facility is ideal for those who are in late age and have difficult maintaining a healthy level of self-care. This retirement community has a very helpful staff that can assist with daily living tasks and provide the medical treatment needed for each individual. This retirement home is based upon a community model of living, and all residents are encouraged to socialize and enjoy their time at this facility through events, activities and projects. While Peterson Assisted Living does not deal with severe, life-threatening injuries or diseases, this facility offers a very educated staff of nurses and doctors that can provide help for nearly all individuals. All medical staff are available 24 hours per day and are highly trained and personable. All staff have tremendous experience in areas such as Alzheimer's and memory loss and can effectively help those in similar conditions. Housekeeping staff are more than capable of maintaining and helping with daily living tasks. These tasks include: hygiene, bathing, meal preparation, dressing and much more. Most members are very experienced and can offer personal help to each individual. Peterson Assisted Living offers a consistent 3 meals per day of high quality food. In addition, this retirement home offers snacks for those so inclined. All meals are highly nutritious and this facility is capable of adjusting meals for those with special diets. Because Peterson Assisted Living values a community type atmosphere, a variety of events are regularly hosted for the enjoyment of those of all lifestyles and interests. These activities vary and are a great way to ensure a happy environment. For anyone interested in leaving behind all of the worries of maintaining a household and daily responsibilities into later life, Peterson Assisted Living is a great choice.
Primary Specialty

Nursing Home

Services Peterson Assisted Living provides extended-stay nursing care to seniors with varying levels of disabilities in Jacksonville, FL.

Please call Peterson Assisted Living at for more information or to schedule an on-site visit.
Additional Services Respite Available, Nurse on Call, Minimum Age of Accepted Residents, Activities Onsite, Devotional Services Available, Indoor Common Areas, Meals Provided, Nurses on Staff, Podiatrist Available, Physical Therapy Available, Occupational Therapy Available, Speech Therapy Available, No Smoking Allowed in Private Areas Indoors, No Smoking Allowed in Public Areas Indoors, Hospice Available, Male Residents Accepted, Female Residents Only, Doctor on Call, Homecare Onsite, Pets Allowed