Ronald Kaplan, D.C.

Chiropractic Exams - we use computerized technology along with a visual, palpation and postural evaluation to establish a baseline and monitor progress,

Chiropractic Adjustments (spine and extremities) - utilizing both instrument adjusting (very light touch) and/or manual techniques, whichever works best for each individual patient,

Electric Stim (physiotherapy), Ultrasound, cryotherapy, Intersegmental Traction, Wobble Chair, Mechanical Massage, manual myofacial techniques

Custom made shoe Orthotics / inserts - we address all 3 arches in the foot to ensure optimum fit, support and comfort,

Some of the health challenges that have responded very well to our approach include but are not limited to: Neck, mid back or low back challenges, headaches, sinus/allergy challenges, low energy, stomach challenges like heartburn or acid reflux, asthma or breathing challenges, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, knee pain and/or restrictions, ankle or foot challenges, shoulder elbow and/or wrist challenges, and more.

If x-rays are needed, we have a long term working relationship with Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. A script will be provided for you to get the films taken there as they provide top quality pictures for us. Most x-rays taken there are covered under most insurance policies.

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