Donald Liss, MD

Donald Liss, MD
Physical Medicine & Rehab Center 5676 Riverdale Ave #102 Bronx, NY 10471

Donald Liss, MD

Donald Liss is a highly experienced Assistant Clinical Professor of Rehabilitation medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Since its inception in 1986, the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center has been providing its patients with the best possible care of sports, spine, orthopedic and neuromuscular conditions. The PMR Center is a diagnostic and treatment facility, with an emphasis on non-operative treatment including physical therapy, occupational therapy, patient education, and body mechanics. While the majority of conditions are responsive to non-operative therapy, our physicians will readily refer to and work closely with any other specialists or surgeons our patients may require.

The PMR Center has grown to include multidisciplinary outpatient facilities with a staff of physiatrists (doctors of physical medicine and rehabilitation), physical therapists, occupational therapists and massage therapists. This comprehensive staff gives us the ability to have diversely specialized clinicians as one would find in a university, while our intimate private office setting allows for superb caregiver communication and exceptional patient care. Physicians and therapists communicate about their patients on a daily basis, and continuously further their knowledge informally as well as through formal bimonthly in-office academic meetings. Most of our physicians are on the teaching staff at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center.
Primary Specialty

Rehabilitation Specialist

Office Staff Donald Liss, MD
Jeff R. Pavell, DO
Adeel Ahmad, MD
Jose Alonso, MD
Shan Babeendran, DO
Rochelle Brief, MD
Rebecca Brown, MD
Victor Bucalo, MD
Sherry Ghosh, DO
Howard Liss, MD
Angela Ryan, MD
Kara Suche, MD
Philip Tasca, MD
Services Our Services
Sports, Spine and Rehabilitation Medicine
Our clinical staff of therapists and physicians combines its extensive training in sports rehabilitation with its broad range of personal experience in sports participation to manage patients with sports injuries.
Causes of pain and disability in the neck and back include problems with discs, nerves, joints, ligaments, or muscles. Physical therapy uses a combination of modalities, or means of treatment, to target each patient's specific problem.

Pain Management and Epidural Injections
Epidural Steroid Injection has been found to be an effective adjunct to treatment for patients with neck, lower back, arm, and leg pain. Commonly, nerves in the neck or back are compressed near the spine by a bulging disc, a bone spur, or scar tissue. This causes the nerve to become irritated and swollen, causing pain, numbness or tingling radiating into the arms or legs. The purpose of the epidural injection is to decrease inflammation and provide pain relief, thereby facilitating active therapy. Their primary use is as one component of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes medication, physical therapy, and education in body mechanics.

Electrodiagnosis and EMG
Electrodiagnostic testing provides information about muscles and nerves helping the physician arrive at a diagnosis. The idea of EMG is not all that different than EKG. In EKG electrodes record the electrical activity of the heart. In EEG, the same thing can be done to record electricity within the brain. Technology has made it possible to record electrical activity of muscles and nerves (other electrical tissues) throughout the body.

Physical Therapy
Therapeutic exercise is the use of exercise for stretching muscles and joints, or strengthening muscles to gain increased power, endurance and stabilization.

Occupational Therapy

Hand Therapy

Supervised Fitness


Inpatient Rehabilitation
PM&R physicians direct the rehabilitation programs and/or provide rehabilitation consultation services in several NY/NJ metropolitan area inpatient rehabilitation facilities. Call our office for more information

Physiatry and Musculoskeletal Medicine
A system of treatment based upon the utilization of the patient's own musculoskeletal forces to realign positional imbalances within the body. Effective in the management of disorders of the neck, thoracic spine and rib cage as well as the lumbar and sacral spines.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Techniques for treating pain originating from the soft tissues (muscle and connective tissue) or caused by joint restrictions and nerve adhesions. Manual therapy combines soft tissue and joint mobilization techniques with neuromuscular reeducation, utilizing Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) principles and patterns. Techniques are often instrumental in bringing about immediate functional gains.
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