Tagged as White Noise

Even if you’re not always aware of the sound, noise pollution can affect both mental and physical health, and few are aware of the actual impact of this menace on to our wellbeing. How much noise pollution do you encounter on a regular basis? Given that noise pollution doesn't necessarily mean high decibels, it might be harming more than you realize. Moreover, even if you’ve learned to tune it out,...
February 13, 2020
A good night’s sleep is vital. Sleep promotes healthy brain function, not to mention physical and emotional well-being. Without it, we can’t perform well and could suffer devastating health consequences such as heart failure, high blood pressure, stroke and depression, according to the -National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. So it's pretty important. But over 60 million Americans struggle with...
October 15, 2019
Can’t sleep? Perhaps it’s what you’re listening to. By now you’ve probably met someone who can’t fall asleep without their sound machine, but what does science say about them? Plus, there are so many listening choices––which is best for you? While there are many types (and colors) of sound, three stand out that are worth mentioning. White Noise - White noise was the first type of sound to hit the market...
August 23, 2017