Tagged as wellbeing

Here they come again — office parties, family dinners, gifts to buy and holiday crowds — it doesn’t take long before stress starts to take its toll. From traveling to entertaining or just trying to keep up with the holiday rush, we have some survival tips. Holiday stress doesn’t have to be a looming disaster waiting to happen. Conquer the beast by getting enough sunlight, planning ahead, pacing yourself...
November 13, 2022
Catastrophic thinking might not hit everyone all the time, but for those of us who have this tendency, it can feel like a nightmare when it does come. Our thoughts can be crushing, even when the scenarios we’ve spun are nowhere near grounded in reality. Catastrophic thoughts, or what some call intrusive thoughts, can take on a life of their own especially when we’re missing information or feeling emotionally...
September 19, 2022
If intentions alone could knock out that to-do list, we’d never have to worry about procrastination or lost productivity. We’re all only human, and sometimes that means we aren’t always on top of everything, even when we want to be. Finding the motivation can be tricky. Life can get hectic, and sometimes procrastinating feels like the only feasible option for our mental health. We have some tips that...
June 17, 2022
Most of us lose our groove at one point or another, and getting it back can — well, difficult. Problems at work, issues at home and even personal insecurities can take their toll, knocking down our self-esteem and making us feel bad about ourselves. Also, let's not dismiss how we may be feeling post-pandemic and the toll of the last year — some of us make jokes about being a "bucket of bog water" or...
May 25, 2021
Remember the days of playing dodgeball or jumping rope on the school playground? That was probably many years ago. But what if we told you that play should still be an essential part of your life? Let's look at why it's important and also how to bring it back. Play Boosts Brain Function - Playing a game or roleplaying forces your brain to think differently than it's used to. As an adult, we slip into...
February 26, 2021
As we are growing up, our parents influence our health, from how much they encourage us to exercise to the food they provide. As adults, we take charge of our well-being. Or -do- we? Researchers have discovered surprising evidence that our spouses and domestic partners might also impact our wellbeing to a degree we've never quite realized. What Research Reveals About Couples’ Health - Our medical system...
February 11, 2021
Some see gratitude as a way to focus on the positive. Others see gratitude as a path to showing appreciation for what we have in our lives and therefore a way to expand those things. But regardless of how we view the end result in terms of our outlook, many fail to realize that gratitude can improve not just our mental health, but also our physical, and spiritual health. In fact, gratitude is one of...
January 29, 2021
We’re shopping for Halloween candy when we hear an unseasonably familiar tune. Hark, can it be true? - “It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” blares the loudspeaker above the Halloween costumes and autumn-scented candles. The holiday music season has begun. Is it Grinch-like or Scrooge-ish to want to escape Christmas music? Not according to some experts, who say we might actually benefit by...
December 21, 2020
We find happiness in different situations. Some prefer playing with puppies, while others feel happier partying with friends. Now a new study has found one way for all of us to feel happier, -no matter how we find it. Happiness Study Reveals An important Clue - Researchers recently discovered a -strong link- between our level of happiness and -how much variety- we enjoy in our lives. The study found...
August 17, 2020
For many of us, our relationships are the foundation on which our lives rest. They are where we draw our strength and often, where we find our greatest joy. But if they're unhealthy, they can rock our worlds to the core. Healthy relationships can enhance life, while unhealthy ones can upset everything. But how can we tell when ours is healthy? - What Makes a Relationship Healthy? - Trust.- Healthy...
July 21, 2020